What is the way of playing gyro?

There are two ways to play gyro:

The first one is called "Split Side Method", which is to divide the participants into two groups, and then we all draw gyros together to see which group's gyro falls on the ground first. The gyro that falls on the ground is called "dead gyro" and is only at the mercy of the other side to chop and kill. The winning team will use their own gyros, raise them above their heads, aim them at the target, and strike them downward.

The second is the circle method, draw a circle on the ground, the center of the circle, and then draw a small circle, each person takes turns to their own gyroscope to the circle, so that the gyroscope can spin out. If the gyro has been fixed at a point to rotate, then, the rope can be used to circle it out, as long as it reaches the outside of the circle is still rotating, are not considered to be it "dead".

If the gyro that punishes someone else also stops inside the circle, it should be placed in the small circle as usual and punished by others. If you are lucky enough not to be hit, or if you are hit but not disintegrated, you can take out a gyro and use the horizontal draw method to knock the gyro waiting to die in your own small circle out of the circle.



Noise Hazard

Plaza playing gyro, whip snapping sound is a great source of noise. Many residents believe that playing gyro is more upsetting to residents than square dancing, and the monotonous high decibel (80~100 dB) sound of the whip is more irritating to people with bad hearts.

There are two main problems in the square playing gyro activities: the sound of the gyro affects the rest of the residents near the park; gyro whip is longer, playing the gyro people are in constant motion, playing the gyro may injure the passers-by, there is a potential safety hazard.