What is the name of the song in the lyrics of the square dance that has a line life is a happy stage

There is a line in the lyrics that reads "Life is a happy stage", which is the background music of the square dance "Dance Your Love". This is the background music of the square dance "Dance out your love".

Song: "Dance out your love"?


Songwriter: Zhang Guihai

Composer: About Winter

Singer: Dragon Lady


A Little Apple song

Let's stay together

Men, women, and children dance your love

Life is wonderful because of you from now on

How many springs have been waiting for you

Just for the sake of a mountain full of flowers

This is the first time I've danced for you.

Only for the mountains full of flowers to bloom

Dance out your love at the end of the world

Life is the stage of happiness

My Little Apple

Fire Fire Fire Fire .....

The beating notes dance you and me

My Little Apple

Fire Fire Fire ....

Let's dance the vigor of youth

My Little Apple

Fire Fire Fire ....

Dancing out the pulse of our lives

My Little Apple

Fire Fire Fire ....

Let our love never set like that sun
