1, Memphis and its cemeteries and pyramids (Egypt, 1979 selected as a cultural heritage)
2. Taj Mahal (India, 1983 was selected as a cultural heritage)
3. Acropolis (Greece, 1987 was selected as a cultural heritage)
4. Yellowstone National Park (USA, 1978 was selected as a natural heritage)
5. Amazon Central Comprehensive Reserve (Brazil, selected as a natural heritage in 2000)
6. The Great Barrier Reef (Australia 198 1 selected as a natural heritage).
Introduction to World Heritage:
World heritage refers to the rare and irreplaceable wealth recognized by UNESCO and the World Heritage Committee. It is a cultural relic and natural landscape with outstanding significance and universal value recognized by all mankind.
World heritage includes cultural heritage, natural heritage, cultural natural heritage and cultural landscape heritage. Broadly speaking, world heritage is divided into material heritage (cultural heritage, natural heritage, dual heritage of culture and nature, memory heritage and cultural landscape) and intangible cultural heritage according to its form and nature.