High Bounty Elysium Pure Land Lyrics Format Below

*Tsuki akari ni boru ko?

Tsuki あかり のぼる ごろ

tsu ki a ka ri no bo ru go ro

When the moon rises at the beginning of the month

*Lantern Ru Akira Lift the lamp

Tomo Ru あか Chiru Chin

to mo ru a ka cyo u chi n?

Lanterns and candles are lit

* Matsuri-bayashi no hayashi

Matsuri bayashi no ai zu

ma tsu ri ba ya shi no a i zu

Signal of the start of the festival music

*Fuwari butterflies are attracted to the festival

Fuwari chi ni ga sasoyi dasu

fu wa ri cyo ga sa so i da su

Lure the dancing butterflies


ちょいと のぞいて みて ごらん

cyo i to no zo i te mi te go ra n

Please peek at me

*迷い込めば 抜け出せない

まよいこめば ぬけだせな い

ma yo i ko me ba nu ke da se na i

If you get lost, it's hard to find your way out

* (楽しいことがしたいなら) ?

Ta no shi koto ga shtai nara

ta no shi ko to ga shi ta i na ra?

If you want to find happiness

*Oi de mase 極楽浄土

おいでませ ごくらく じょうど/ど/プ>

o i de ma se go ku ra ku jyo u do

Please come to this paradise

*Go e ya ga e heart no ma ni? se te

Where is your voice

*踊れや踊れ 時を忘れ

おどれ や おどれ とき を わすれ

おどれ や おどれ とき を わすれ

舞兮舞兮 forget the time of the day

*This night ***に あゝ狂い咲き

こよい とも に ああ くるいざき

ko yo i to mo ni aa ku ru i za ki

This night **** this joyful madness