How to see a person?

Meng Hanqing once said:

"It's hard to paint a tiger's skin, but it's hard to paint a bone, and it's hard to know a person's face."

It is difficult to guess the truth from the heart.

Some people have a set of face, behind a set, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false;

Some people have a second before the angel, a second after the devil, it is difficult to see through.

Because they can't tell who's good and who's bad, who's real and who's fake, some of them have suffered a lot of losses, wrongly paid their hearts, and wasted years.

So the world is looking forward to, they can have a pair of eyes, see through the hearts of people, recognize the true and false.

But in fact, it is not difficult to recognize a person. To see a person's character, you only need to look at these three points is enough.

/ 01 /

Attitude toward parents

The Psalmist said, "I am sorry for my parents, I was born for my labor."

Parents give us life and raise us to adulthood, they are the closest people to us.

When we get along with our parents, we have no fear, no need to disguise, and what we reveal is the most human nature.

So, the way you treat your parents hides your true character.

Not long ago, a piece of news sensationalized the whole network.

The master's degree student who graduated from Peking University became a civil servant in the city center.

The appearance of a scholarly temperament, gentle and elegant, his colleagues are good evaluation of him: work seriously, treat people politely.

But behind the scenes, it's so unpleasant.

He used vicious language, abused his own mother: you are a pig, why not go to the car crash dead!

He beat up and tortured his own father, even ripping his clothes and biting his father's shoulder until it bled.

This was the complete opposite of his usual behavior, and shocked everyone.

The truest quality of a person who can speak ill of his parents and yell at them is meanness.

Zhou Guoping once said:

"It is instinctive to be critical of those close to you, but it is a kind of upbringing to overcome the instinct and to be non-critical of those close to you."

The character of a person can be known by the way he treats his parents. A person who can't even tolerate his parents can't stand the test of humanity after all.

So, to determine whether a person is really kind and educated, it depends on how he treats his parents.

If you don't have respect for your own parents and don't know how to be grateful, you can't be taken seriously even if you are respectful.

This kind of person is either greedy for the money you have in your pocket, or he or she has the power in your hand, or he or she is salivating at your face value.

Once you don't have what he needs, he will abandon you and leave.

Be aware that people who treat their parents badly are not of good character.

/ 02 /

Attitude toward interest

Some people say that interest is the demon-spotting mirror of human nature, the best litmus test of human nature.

This is indeed true.

To see whether a person can be a deep friend, you can tell from the interests.

Mother likes chicken and frequents Auntie Fat's chicken stall.

The two usually talked and laughed, and even met at night to go square dancing together.

But later they hardly ever saw each other.

I asked my mother why she hadn't seen me playing with my fat aunt lately.

Mother said, usually she went to the market early in the morning to buy food, the aunt a number of times to pick the overnight chicken to me, and once even brought me a dead chicken!

She thought my mother would not notice because she had a good relationship with her.

But after a few times, my mother realized that she was a snob, smiling with you on the surface, but behind the scenes, she was looking for ways to make herself profitable.

It must be said that profit is really like a mirror, and many people are revealed in front of him.

Shakespeare was right:

"Money is a great magic wand, and can change a man's mold at the drop of a hat."

Yes, in the face of interest, the most clear heart black and white, distinguish the personality high and low.

So, if you want to see a person's character, go and observe his attitude and practice when facing interests.

The person who has a broad vision will not be greedy for small profits; the person who is generous will not be counted out for profits.

Under the interest, a person's face, a look can be seen.

/ 03 /

Treatment of the weak

JK Rowling once said:

"A person's true upbringing, don't look at how he treats people higher than his own status, but look at how he treats people lower than his own status."

A man's treatment of the weak is his truest response to the world.

To see the level of a person's upbringing, look at how he treats those at the bottom of the heap.

I have a friend who used to work for a national Fortune 500 company.

Her boss was female and extremely grumpy.

Not only was she extremely harsh on her employees, but she was also extremely mean to the bottom feeders.

On one occasion, because the courier was a little slow in delivering the goods, as soon as she saw someone else, she even cursed at them, and said that she wanted to kill them.

The person was a man and saw that she was pregnant, so he didn't bother with her.

Afterward, my friend quit her job and jumped to another company because she couldn't stand the depressing working atmosphere, and finally got rid of her evil boss.

There is a saying: "When a person is facing a weak person, the weak person is often in a relatively low position and does not pose any threat. Therefore, at this moment, how the person's attitude is depends entirely on his or her own upbringing."

It is human instinct to respect and worship the strong, but it is the empathy and respect for the weak that is a rare virtue.

Not to insult a person for being weak, not to be a bitch for being expensive, is the one who is worthy of relationship.

Emerson said:

"Character is an inward force, and it exists to work directly, without the aid of any means".

Character, is a person's strongest backing, the hardest card, the largest capital.

A person, character is positive, will be respected by all; good character, the genius will love.

Life in the end, the fight is character.

Good character is the best pass to walk the world.

For the rest of my life, I hope you and I will have a good character, and all the people I meet will be good people.