Human bones can dissolve, sounds a bit shocking, but this is a real thing happened to a 13-year-old girl. Bone dissolution here actually describes a state of severe osteoporosis, where bones that were once hard become "broken glass" and fall apart at the touch of a button, looking as if they have been dissolved.
Hearing this expression, my bones are also a little hidden pain, subconsciously touched the arm, but fortunately it's okay. And the little girl in the news incident, after the doctor's treatment, the situation has improved significantly. I hope the little girl can get well soon.
Like the little girl, osteoporosis at such a young age, and serious enough to "dissolve" the bones, is relatively rare. Most osteoporosis is caused by aging, and in addition to aging, disease, endocrine disorders, poor lifestyle, heredity, and so on can also cause osteoporosis, and these triggers often do not appear alone. The girl's bones were "dissolved",is caused by endocrine disorders due to parathyroid tumors.
According to the little girl's doctor, there are four parathyroid glands in the human body, which are generally located in the front of the neck on the inside of the back of the thyroid gland and secrete parathyroid hormone. Parathyroid hormone, if secreted in excess, will jeopardize the bones, the symptoms are mainly manifested in bone pain, triggering pathological fractures, leading to bone deformities and so on.
We are under the impression that osteoporosis is a pain for middle-aged and older people, so we are instinctively surprised to hear that little girls suffer from severe osteoporosis. As I said earlier, many factors contribute to osteoporosis, so it's not just a pain in the ass for middle-aged and older people, but for many young people as well. No matter how healthy we were when we were young, no matter how well we take care of ourselves, as we get older, we lose bone mass, and that's why so many people get osteoporosis when they get older. But bone loss does not mean osteoporosis, only bone density is low to a certain extent, only called osteoporosis.While we have no way to reverse the laws of nature, we can prevent osteoporosis by slowing down the loss of bone mass in small places. Here are some of the ways to prevent osteoporosis!
1. Moderate exercise, this kind of not only can make us more agile, more powerful, can also produce stimulation of the bones, promote the bones to maintain normal bone density and strength. We can usually do some aerobic exercise, such as jogging, playing badminton, square dancing, swimming and so on. Be careful, must be moderate, because too little, exercise too much, may also lead to osteoporosis. If you are bedridden (which may lead to osteoporosis) or have mobility problems, you can also ask your family or a professional to help you move around.
2. Adequate intake of nutrients, especially calcium and protein, can also ensure bone density. You can use more meat, eggs and milk, as well as natural foods like fish and shrimp. Some friends may ask, can I take more calcium tablets? The answer is, pay attention to the amount, it is okay to eat in moderation, but calcium tablets are not everything. If you can, it's better to eat natural foods for calcium and protein because the nutrients in them are easier for the body to absorb and don't have any side effects.
Balanced nutrition is also good for bone health
3. More sun exposure can promote the body's absorption of micronutrients, which helps vitamin D to precipitate on the bones. The sunshine mentioned here is not just running into the sunshine, the sunshine will make the skin hurt. You can go outdoors early in the morning and late in the evening, enjoying the softer sunlight in the process.
4. Ensure adequate sleep to avoid endocrine disorders. Endocrine disorders not only make people break out in acne and crankiness, they also make people break out in disease. The cause of that little girl in the news with osteoporosis includes endocrine disruption. Even though we're all pretty busy these days and occasionally lose sleep due to stress, try to get enough sleep for your health!
5. Regular medical checkups, hospitals have special programs for measuring bone density. Early detection, early treatment. If you are found to be suffering from osteoporosis, you still have to go to the hospital and listen to the doctor's advice. The little girl in the news got timely treatment and had a better outcome because she went to the hospital. Some osteoporosis, may be caused by certain diseases, so it must be taken seriously to prevent the condition from worsening.