Does anyone know the lyrics to the song "I Dance Alone From Morning Till Dusk"?

Amy Chang


Dancing alone

I'm dancing alone,

from morning to sunset.

I dance alone,

from morning to dusk.

Thoughts turn and turn all night long,

Darkness surrounds me on all sides,

I can't stop.

Looking for a place to go,

Turning back is just a fog.

You've already cut the line of love,

and I'm chasing the game.

I danced alone,

from morning to sunset.

Let it go,

Never think of him again,

just go back to the beginning.

I'm dancing alone,

from dawn to dusk.

Let it go,

Never think of him again,

It hurts so much that I am completely blind.

Despite all the mistakes,

You make love go too vague.

A weightless heart,

needs to be taken care of tonight.

You took me by surprise,

and I couldn't protect myself.

Your lying attitude,

I had to lose.

I danced alone,

from dawn to dusk.

Let it go,

Never think of him again,

just go back to the beginning.

I'm dancing alone,

from dawn to dusk.

It's over,

Never want to think of him again,

It hurts so much that I am completely blind.

The heart is open to receive a beam of love,

and the next moment, the clouds are darkening and the happiness is lost.

I dance alone,

from morning to nightfall.

I don't want him anymore,

Let it go,

Just go back to the beginning.

I'm dancing alone,

from dawn to dusk.

Let it go,

Never think of him again,

It hurts so much that I'm completely blind.

I danced alone,

from morning to sunset.

I dance alone,

from dawn to dusk.
