Depending on the circumstances, I would normally give my seat to a pregnant woman.
In fact, I think the pregnant women and the old people who can get on the bus by themselves are not too fragile, otherwise they wouldn't have the strength and courage to go on the bus, and basically, when I meet these two groups, there will always be someone to let them go, and I think if I let the pregnant women go, other people will surely let the old people go as well, so there is no need to worry about this.
If there is only one place left for me to let go, then I still look at the actual situation, I can get on the bus by myself, the elderly are generally not bad, I can help a little bit, but if the pregnant woman will touch the miscarriage, I can't help such a big person, so I will generally give the pregnant woman to let the place.
But if the old man is really not good, such as pale, or handicapped, then I should give the seat to the old man, after all, the body is not good old man in the car is more likely to stand unsteady, as for the pregnant woman, I will look at the point, and when I can help to help a hand.
In fact, there is really no problem at all with who you give your seat to, and the reality is that there is certainly not only one position that you can give. Pregnant women and the elderly also do not need us to choose which is important, which is not very important, they are in need of care and attention collectively, we normal people can give up their seats when they try to give up their seats, of course, I do not think there is nothing wrong with not letting the seat, there are times when they are also uncomfortable, you can let the neighboring people to give up their seats.
In fact, on my personal part, most of the public transport is students, office workers, I feel that I take the bus half of the time are standing, it is very unfair, is not it should be specifically get a car suitable for pregnant women and the elderly, so that everyone can have a seat is better! After all, we will also be very tired, sometimes uncomfortable, do not let the seat public and will criticize you.