The Pianist at Sea is an immortal Hollywood classic. Classic line: all those cities where you just can't see the end. The end? Please! Please show me where it ends? At the time, it was okay to stand on the gangway and look out. I was wearing my coat, and I felt great, and I felt like I had a great future, and then I was going to get off the ship. Don't worry! No problem at all! But it wasn't the things I saw that stopped me in my tracks, it was the things I couldn't see. Do you understand? The things I can't see. In that infinite city, there's everything, but no end. There is no end. What I can't see is the end of it all, the end of the world. Take a piano. It starts and ends with the keys. You know there are only 88 keys on a piano, no difference whatsoever. They're not infinite. It's you who is infinite, the music made on the keys is infinite. I like that. I live habitually. You push me down the gangplank and throw me a piano with millions of keys, millions and millions of endless keys, that's true, Max, they're not endless. That keyboard is infinitely extended. Yet if the keys are infinite, then there is no music you can play on that piano, you're sitting in the wrong place, it's God's piano. Jesus! Have you ...... you seen those streets? There are thousands of streets alone! What do you do when you go down there? How do you choose one of them to walk down? How do you choose "your own" woman, a house, a piece of land, or a landscape to enjoy, a way to die. I was born on this ship, and the whole world walks with me, but it only carries two thousand people at a time. There are desires here too, but not so vain as to go beyond the bow and stern. You express your joy on the piano, but the notes are not infinite. I'm used to living like this. Land? Land is too big a ship for me, a woman too beautiful, a trip too long, a bottle of perfume too pungent, a kind of music I won't compose. I could never give up the ship, but fortunately, I could give up my life. Nobody remembers I existed anyway, and you're the exception, Max, you're the only one who knows I'm here. You're the only one, and you better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, I'm not getting off this ship.
True Love Actually (《Love?Actually》)(''mean heartwarming and heartwarming movie) Classic Line: Whenever I'm worried about the state of the world, I think of the pick-up lounge at Heathrow Airport. A lot of people are starting to think that we live in hate and greed, but I don't think so. In my opinion, love is everywhere. Often it's not glamorous or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. The moment the plane hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know not a single call from the flight conveyed a message of hate or vengeance - all of them, messages of love. If you look at it with your heart, I think you'll find that, in fact, love is everywhere.
I like the word "relationship", it covers up all the evil, doesn't it? I'm afraid it becomes a pernicious relationship based on Mr. President getting all he wants without caring about the things that are ...... important to Britain. We may be a small country, but we are a great country all the same. We have Shakespeare, Churchill, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter. Beckham's golden right foot. Speaking of which there's Beckham's golden left foot. You can't be a true friend if you're a bully. And since the other side takes the hard way but not the soft way, from now on I'm prepared to take the position of responding in a much tougher way. And I ask Mr. President to be prepared for that.
The Harry Potter series (Harry Potter itself is a classic that represents an era! A great favorite of mine!!!)
The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and needs to be handled with extra caution." ?
-- Albus. Dumbledore
Death is like going to bed after a busy day ......?
--Albus. Dumbledore
Love, more powerful than all magic - Albus. Dumbledore
Courage comes in many varieties; to deal with our enemies we need superhuman boldness, and it takes just as much courage to stand our ground in front of our friends. --Dumbledore
It is easy to forgive others for being wrong, but hard to forgive them for being right. --Dumbledore
If there was any way to get everyone to read this book, the best way would be to ban it!" ?
--Hermione. Granger
Voldemort's methods of creating hostility and conflict are brilliant, and it is only by showing the same unbreakable friendship and trust that we can fight it to the end. As long as we are united, differences of habit and language will not be an obstacle."
-- Albus Dumbledore. DumbledoreIf you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill all three of us!"
-- Ron?I solemnly swear I'll do no good --- Weasley Brothers
Death and darkness are not scary, it's only the unknown that people really fear. ----- Dumbledore
The English Patient (a poignant love story! I can't believe that the handsome, melancholic and romantic hero is the actor who played Voldemort in Harry Potter! Now that's acting!!!)
Betrayal in the midst of war is much more naive and innocent than the betrayal we experience in the midst of peace and prosperity! First loves are nervous and full of tenderness, but can withstand everything - simply because the heart is on fire.?
Dear, I am waiting for you. How long is a day in the darkness, or, for that matter, a week in the darkness? The fire is out by now, and I'm cold as hell. I really should drag myself outside, but then again, there has to be some sun out there. I'm afraid I'm wasting that bright light drawing now, wasting that bright light writing these things. We're going to die. But we die so rich. We have our lovers and our ministries; we have the delicacies we once devoured; we have the bodies we entered into, in which we swam and swam as in a river. We bury our fears in it, like this dismal cave. I will inscribe all of this on my body. We'll have a real country, not the kind of borders sketched on a map or represented by the names of the powerful. I know you'll come back and take me out, take me into the palace of the wind. A place like this to wander with you, with friends, that's all I've ever wanted. An earth without a map. The lights have gone out too, and I am now writing in the dark.
Comments: The English Patient is a movie full of humanistic concern, it shows the purest human feelings, it shows how desperate people can be for the most genuine love of human beings, and how they can throw away all the shackles that human beings have created for themselves. I think it is also the reason why it still touches so many people despite all the difficult conflicts with morality, and it won many awards at the 1996 Oscars, which is perhaps an affirmation of the ideas it expressed."Pirates of the Caribbean" (Johnny?) is the most popular movie in the world. Depp's ability to conquer the heart of the audience, be it unruly or subdued)
Jack Sparrow: Is there not one of you who saved me only because you missed me?
(Each one looks at each other, and finally only the monkey, also named Jack, raises its hand)
Lord Cutler Becket (seeing Jack aiming his cannon at him): You're mad!
Jack Sparrow (cracking a smile): thank goodness, because if I hadn't gone mad, I might never have let you experience the fear of being shelled.
Barbosa: Pirates once survived in this world in their own way, but our time is coming to an end, our enemies are united and they want to destroy us. Pirate greats from the four directions of the Earth's southeast, northwest, and north must put their preconceptions aside for the time being and **** fight together.
Tia Dalma: What are you willing to do? What are ye willing to do? Are ye brave enough that ye will go to a coast filled with mystery and fear, on the other side of the world, and fetch Jack back?
Will Turner: Will you marry me?
Elizabeth Swann (in the middle of a fight): I don't think this is the time to say that!
Will Turner: Now may be my only chance! I love you! I made my choice, so what's yours?
Jack Sparrow: ladies! Can we stop for a second, please? Listen to me, yes, I lied to you, and yes, I don't love you. Of course, this dress you're wearing makes you look fat. I've never been to Brussels, so this may sound a bit "shocking". By the way, yes, I've never met Pizarro, but I love the pies named after him. However, it all pales into insignificance now, because the fact is, I've lost my boat again, see?
(Giselle slaps Jack, and Scarlett slaps Jack)
Captain Shaw: Jack Sparrow, you have given me great insult.
Jack Sparrow: I don't seem to be the one you're talking about.
(Xiao Feng hits Jack in the nose)
And I don't know what criteria you have in mind for a classic, so here are 5. Let's hope it's to your liking!