真夏の夜の荒地に 紅い炎 燃え盛る盛夏夜,荒凉地,红色火焰熊熊燃
薄绢を身に缠い 祈りを捧げる少女少女少女に身身薄纱,单独献上祈を
愿いは戦場へと 旅立つ彼の无事を She prays that he, who is going to the battlefield. Peace and safety
Him はいらない 涙を届けて欲しい别无求,眼泪能傳達到
髪を靡かせて 细い手で凪いで长发为风飘,纤手轻抚平
鈴を鸣らし 揺れる铃摇晃而鳴
妖精は哀を食んで歌うよ妖精灵は 哀伤を食んで歌うよ妖精を吞食哀伤而唱う。 吞噬食哀伤而唱
炎莳いて 导いて彼方へと向所引导的彼方へ播播焰种
热く惹かれあう 彼の手へ少女的玉手與他的坚固的掌心互相吸引
もう一度 逢わせて请讓我們再次相見吧
流れた星を数え 运命の行方 占う边数數流星之數,同時占注定的行方 占う边數流星的数目,同时占卜命的往向
What are you going to do when you see the stars? 去方向
白い肌に走るは 火のトカゲの红い舌 Fire lizard's red tongue slides across the pale white skin
少女へ恋に堕ちた 炎統べる王は言う少女坠坠爱上河,统帅火焰之王宣告
我が为 踊れば 望みを闻き届けよう "If you do a dance for me, then I will listen to your wish. "
Long eyelashes, long lashes, long lashes, lowered
Fine feet with gold anklets wrapped around them
Moonlight ga満ちる Moonlight shines brightly on the night
Goblins intertwined with feathers and sang
Inflammation burns the captured world and the heart of the flames burns along with the captured world
The world burns together.
Shiて逃げられぬ 彼の腕 subsequently, there is no way to escape from his hand
甘やかな嗫き一つ Filthy no ki maiden niwa poisoned with a dash of sweet whispering, poisoned by an immaculate maiden
戸 confused い抗うだけ憂いに満ち辉く只有得confusedで焼け打き一つ, for the melancholy filled with resistance to the glittering
Hairを靡かせて 細い手で凪いで长发为风舞,纤手轻抚平
铃を鸣らし 揺れる鈴摇晃曳而鸣
炎莳いて 笑み浮かべる播播播焰种,渐浮冷笑
Long eyelashes, long eyelashes, long eyelashes, lowered
Fine feet, gold anklets, gold bracelets, wrapped around the feet
Moonlight ga満ちる月の光が満ちる月光照皎皎夜
炎焦れて 捕まえる世界ごと焰心連带这被捕获的世界一起烧烧
そして逃げられ Ebullient to his wrist and then, you can't escape from his hand
Enthusiasm de焼け付く被热情焼け付く被燒殆尽