The clever way to reduce sentences in language

The method of sentence reduction in elementary school language and examples

A. The method of sentence reduction:

In elementary school, the reduction of sentences is a common basic question of language. The basic principle of sentence reduction: first, it does not change the meaning of the original sentence, second, it does not change the structure of the original sentence, and third, it is still a sentence after abbreviation. There are generally two ways to reduce the sentence, one is the most abbreviated expression of "who does what" method, the second is the most abbreviated expression of "what how" method.

1, the sentence, that is, to remove the determinative, gerund, complement and other "branches and leaves", to retain the subject, predicate, object and other "trunk". Specifically, "? is often used as a determiner, "? often serves as a gerund, and "get?" tends to act as a complement. In contractions, "? s", "? ground," "got?" are all "branches" and should be deleted. The sentence form is as follows: 1) ( ) of + noun or pronoun + [ ] ground + verb + ( ) of + noun or pronoun 2) ( ) of + noun or pronoun + verb + get < >


E.g. The morning sunlight softly caressed the endless land. To reduce the sentence, remove "early morning", "softly", and "endless", and the remaining main stem is "The sunlight caressed the land. "

2, the subject, the object of the additional components is not obvious when generally follow the principle of deleting the former and leaving the latter.



She had one shiny medal after another hanging on her chest. Students tend to "she" as the main subject of the main, and "chest" as an additional component, in fact, "she" is to limit the modification of "chest" additional component. In fact, "she" is the additional component that restricts the modification of "chest", and "chest" is the main stem of the main clause of the sentence. This subject belongs to the paratactic structure, according to the principle of "delete the front and leave the back", it can be reduced to "the medal hanging on the chest". Similarly, "Dad had a joyful smile on his face" and "New varieties of fruit trees have just been planted in the northwest corner of the orchard". When guiding students to understand, you can add "的" between the additional components and the main stem of the subject to make the relationship between them more obvious. For example, "her chest", "father's face", "the northwest corner of the orchard", and "my sister". into "my sister" and so on. 3, modify the predicate to indicate the way and means of the phrase do not retain. Such as: the brilliant Zhuge Liang with ingenious methods borrowed more than 100,000 arrows. Some students reduced to "Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows in a way". In this kind of sentence "by?" is a modification of the predicate "borrowed" verb-object phrase, indicating the way to borrow arrows, should also be removed, reduced to "Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows" is appropriate. Similarly, "to?" "to?" etc. should also be deleted in the reduction of sentences. Such as" teacher to tell us stories into "teacher storytelling", "I sing a song to the party" into "I sing". 4, some sentences with double predicate, double predicate should be retained in the reduction; linking sentence, compound object sentence to keep the structure of the sentence unchanged.

E.g. Old people like to go fishing in the shade of the trees by the lake. Many students reduce this sentence to "Old people like fishing." Or "Old people go fishing." Both of these sentences do not correctly understand the original meaning of the sentence and ignore the double predicate. The correct contraction should be: old people like to go fishing.

E.g. An old man quickly pulled over a chair and sat down. This sentence is different from the one above. "Pulled" is not a phrase modifying "sat down" to indicate the way of expression; they are both continuous actions of the "old man", and should be retained. "The old man pulled over his chair and sat down. Similarly, "He walked through the flower garden to the door of the classroom". Another example is "There were many people walking leisurely in the wide square." It is a compound object sentence, "walking" is the complementary object of the object "many people", it should be reduced to "there are people walking in the square". Similarly, "the spirit of Lei Feng will always inspire us to move forward" and so on. 5, the words should not be overly streamlined, the main component of the reduced sentence must be words or phrases rather than morphemes. For example: "pandas greedily eat fresh bamboo leaves" can not be reduced to "pandas eat leaves", but should be reduced to "pandas eat bamboo leaves". Because "pandas" and "bamboo leaves" are complete concepts, "panda" and "pandas" is not the same extension. The extension of "panda" and "giant panda" is not consistent. The word "leaf" here is a morpheme, not a word, and "bamboo leaf" is the word. For example, the poplar tree greedily sucked in the nectar of spring. The way to reduce a sentence is to reduce the number of additional components to the main component, and the smallest unit that makes up a component is a word. The words "yangmei tree" and "manna" are words rather than phrases, so it is not appropriate to cut and streamline them. Therefore, they cannot be reduced to "the tree sucks the manna" or even "the tree sucks the dew". The appropriate abbreviation would be "the prune tree sucks manna". Similarly, "the precious textbooks that I traded my life for have been inspiring me to move forward" in "textbooks", "the yellowing maple leaves slowly fall in the wintry autumn wind" in "maple leaves", "maple leaves" in "maple leaves", "maple leaves" in "maple leaves", "maple leaves" in "maple leaves", and "maple leaves" in "maple leaves". maple tree leaves", "sunlight" in "the hot rays of the midday sun shone on the dense woods", "stone arch bridges can lessen the impact of running water on the bridge body". The stone arch bridge can reduce the impact of the flowing water on the bridge body," and so on.

6, to retain some of the necessary additional components. For example: "advanced students in my class often take the initiative to enthusiastically help the backward students". If reduced to: "students to help students" is vague, can only be reduced to "advanced students to help students". Retained "advanced" and "advanced" two additional components, the meaning is clear.

7, the negative sentence in the negative word to be retained For example: "real revolutionaries can not bow their noble heads" can only be reduced to "revolution can not bow their heads". If it is reduced to "revolutionaries bow their heads", then the meaning is completely opposite. 8. The syntax of "put" and "be" sentences cannot be changed, and the word "put" in "put" and "be" sentences cannot be changed. The words "put" and "be" in "put" and "be" sentences should be retained. For example, Coco broke the brand-new Lenovo computer. (The brand-new Lenovo computer was broken by Coco the Trickster. If only the subject part of the sentence is retained when "put" and "be" sentences are reduced, the following confusing situation occurs: "put" sentences are reduced to " Cocoa is broken" and "被" is reduced to "计算机弄坏了". Therefore, when reducing sentences, both the active and the passive should be retained in general, whereas due to the custom of Chinese grammar, the active can be omitted when emphasizing the passive (被字句). The actor can be omitted when emphasizing the passive, so the above "put" sentence should be reduced to "可可把计算机弄坏了", and the "被" sentence can be reduced to "计算机 was broken".

9, past tense, progressive tense, future tense (tendency) to pay attention to the meaning of the sentence can not be changed, the predicate after the "着"""了"""过", "almost", "almost", "about to", "soon", " will" should be retained. e.g. (past tense) The thick rain brought a burst of damp cold air. (The open boats from the countryside were moored at the river port of Wansheng Rice House. (Future, Convergent Tense) The boat swayed so much that the pale-faced man almost fell into the muddy river. When contracting past and progressive tenses, retain the words "XXed" and "XXed" in order to keep the meaning of the sentence unchanged. Similarly, in future tense contractions, you cannot delete the words that reflect this meaning. If the sentence is reduced to "He fell into the river", the original meaning of "has not fallen into the river" will be changed. The sentence should be reduced to "He almost fell into the river". Similarly, the words "almost", "about to", "about to", etc. should not be removed. For example, "we will see more giant ships" should be reduced to "we will see ships". The word "着" is used after a verb to indicate that an action is taking place. E.g. "She had a lot of matches in her old apron", if it is reduced to "matches in her apron", was it before, or is it now? It's not clear. It should be reduced to "There were matches in her apron". The word "了" is used after a verb to indicate that the action has been completed. For example, "Mr. Zhang gave us an interesting lesson", if it is reduced to "Mr. Zhang gave the lesson", is it being given, or is it finished? I don't know. It should be reduced to "Mr. Zhang gave us a lesson". The word "over" is used after verbs to indicate that the action has passed. For example, "I visited Fragrant Hill, where the leaves are like fire", if it is reduced to "I visited Fragrant Hill", is it being visited? Or did you visit it? It is not clear. It should be reduced to "I have visited the Fragrant Hills". For example, the phrase "they themselves seriously carried out the annual examination" should be reduced to "they themselves carried out the examination". If it is reduced to "they carried out the examination" or "they carried out the examination", the meaning is incomplete. For example, Uncle Cai Xitao is the old director of the Yunnan Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "Cai Xitao'" is not a modifier of "uncle", the two are juxtaposed, and the word "的" cannot be added between them. Both should be retained in the reduction of the sentence, reduced to "Uncle Cai Xitao is the director". Another example is that "Grandma Song Qingling cares for children and young people in every way" should be reduced to "Grandma Song Qingling cares for children and young people".

11, indicating the direction of the phrase as a gerund should be complete, indicating the time, place (direction) of the phrase should be deleted clean. For example: "steeds in the vast grasslands", it is reduced to "steeds galloping", can not be reduced to "steeds in the Benz", in addition, like "in the", "in the", "in the", "in the", "in the", "in the", "in the" and "in the". In addition, the words "under", "in? Inside", "Inside", "Outside", "Inside", "Outside", "Inside". Outside", "In", "Outside", "In" and so on. In addition, such as "under", "in", "in", "out", "in", "in", "in" and so on in the sentence to indicate the location of the phrase as a gerund, can not retain the word "in", should be complete with the gerund together with the removal. Another example is that "Xiao Ming is doing his homework at home" is also reduced to "Xiao Ming is doing his homework". I don't know what the word "on" or "in" means. in", "on", "in", "in", "in". Down", "On", "By", "By", "By", "By", "By", and "By". The words "on", "in", "under", "on", "by", "in", "by", "out", and so on. Outside," and other words and phrases in the sentence is to take the role of modifying the predicate verb gerund component, in the contraction of the sentence should be together with the word "in" together with the removal of the word, otherwise the "in" into a shortened sentence after the predicate and change the structure of the original sentence. The structure of the original sentence is altered. Similarly, time words and phrases, such as "last week" in "We held the athletic meet last week," should be eliminated.

12, on the treatment of complements

First of all, the verb predicate after the complement should generally retain the center word. For example, "large snowflakes fell on her golden hair" should be reduced to "snowflakes fell on her hair". If it is reduced to "snowflakes fall", the meaning is not clear. Secondly, the complement after the adjective is usually deleted. For example, the old king jumped up and down with joy after winning the lottery, which can be reduced to "the old king was happy".

13, in the reduction of the sentence, we should not be hard to set the method of reduction, but in the understanding of the original meaning of the sentence on the basis of sensible and reasonable to reduce the sentence.

Example: The cute little actor almost slipped on the stage. If you don't understand the original meaning of the sentence carefully, you may reduce it to "the little actor slipped", while the original meaning of the sentence is "almost" slipped, not really "slipped". In this case, "almost" is a modifier, but it can't be removed, so the correct contraction of the example sentence would be: The actor almost slipped.

Two examples of contractions:

Group 1: The contractions should retain a sufficiently abbreviated main stem.

Original Sentence:The millions of lights in the square silently illuminate the magnificent buildings around Tiananmen Square. Abbreviated sentence: A:The lights shone on the buildings. (most abbreviated, correct) B:The lights in the square shone on the buildings. (not abbreviated enough) C:The millions of lights in the square shine on the magnificent buildings. (not abbreviated enough) Group 2: Abbreviated sentences should retain the main stem that does not change the original meaning.

Original Sentence:In summer, old people love to go fishing in the shade of the trees by the river. Abbreviated sentence: A:The old people fish. (Obviously changing the original meaning of the sentence.) B:Old people love to fish. (retains the original meaning but is brief enough) C:In summer, old people love to fish in the shade of the trees. (retains the original meaning but is not abbreviated enough) Group III: Abbreviated sentences cannot change the structure of the original sentence

Original Sentence: Gray and black cormorants stood neatly on the side of the boat, like soldiers in formation waiting for orders. Shortened sentence: A:The cormorants stood on the side of the ship, waiting for orders. (The first half of the sentence is correct, but the second half of the sentence compresses the main verb "like" in the following clause and replaces "soldiers" with cormorants, which is not in line with the meaning of the original sentence.) B: The cormorant stood on the side of the ship. (C:The cormorants stood on the side of the ship like soldiers. (It doesn't complete the meaning of the following clause. "Waiting for orders" can't be compressed.)

D: The cormorant stood on the side of the boat, like a soldier waiting for orders. (Correct) Group 4: The contraction can't change the word for place to a noun for thing Original sentence: The three big begonia trees were full of reddish flowers.

Reduced Sentence A: The begonia trees are full of flowers. (Eligible for this type of sentence reduction)

B:The begonia trees were in bloom. (The subject has been changed and the short complement has been abbreviated, so that the sentence loses its definite tense, and the meaning of the compressed sentence is very uncertain, which does not express the meaning of "the begonia tree is full of flowers") C:The begonia tree is full of flowers. (The original sentence: The willow trees along the shore are full of shiny ice bars. The willows were covered with ice. (Correct)

B:The willows were full of ice. (changed the subject)

C:The willows are full of ice. (The short complement "full", which should not have been abbreviated, has been removed.)

D:The willows are full of ice. (changed the subject, reduced the short complement, after the reduction of the meaning of the sentence is very uncertain) E: trees hanging ice. (Overly abbreviated, neither a sentence nor a phrase.) Group 6: Retain the necessary negatives when reducing a sentence Original sentence: whales that live in the ocean are not fish.

Condensed sentence: A: Whales are fish. (The meaning of the sentence changes when the negative word is compressed out) B:Whales are not fish. (Correct)