I can't remember the lyrics of a song. Probably, somewhere, I fell in love with a girl who herded sheep.

In that distant place

There is a good girl in that distant place.

People walked past her and looked back with nostalgia.

Her pink smiling face is like the red sun.

Her lively eyes are like the bright moon at night.

I want to give up my property and go herding sheep with her.

Looking at that pink smiling face and her beautiful Phnom Penh dress every day.

There is a good girl in that distant place.

People walked past her and looked back with nostalgia.

Her pink smiling face is like the red sun.

Her lively eyes are like the bright moon at night.

I would like to be a lamb and follow her.

I hope her thin whip keeps hitting me every day.

There is a good girl in that distant place.

People walked past her and looked back with nostalgia.

There is a good girl in that distant place.

People walked past her and looked back with nostalgia.

People walked past her and looked back with nostalgia.