Yuanshan Village belongs to which province and which city.

Yuanshan Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Suhe Town, Xihe County, Longnan City, Gansu Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 62 1225112225, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 621225. The postal code is 746000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0939, and the license plate number is Gan K. Yuanshan Village is adjacent to Yangpo Village, Chendi Village, Panggou Village, Mengzhuang Village, Caoguo Village, Suhe Village, Mingxing Village, Hezhu Village, Yinpo Village, Zhang He Village, Laozi Village, Fengdong Village, Yang Kang Village and Lv Ji Village.

There are some tourist attractions near Yuanshan Village, such as Sunset Lake, Xiangshan Mountain in Longnan, Qiu Chi, Minjun Mountain and Baique Temple in Longnan. The specialties are Xihe Pinellia ternata, potato balls, sand-embedded sesame cakes and Xihe pepper.