Meaning of the song sinner

Question 1: Does anyone know the meaning of the lyrics of Nicholas Tse's song "Sinner"? What is the meaning of the song? Be more detailed. Thanks. 5 points Bad Man Whose? I don't know what the meaning of this song is.

It should be about a pair of lovers, one of them because of jealousy or inferiority complex or misunderstanding or the pursuit of freedom and identity and so on

not reach the *** knowledge and separated

but after searching for the compromise, looking forward to getting back together, but ran into the wall of the story it

Question 2: Hacken Lee's "Sinner" Lyrics Song Name: Sinner

Singer: Hacken Lee

Album: Recital Hall 2011_Live

Hacken Lee - Sinner

Composer: Fong Jong Politics

Lyrics: Zhou Bohian

Arranger: Johnny Yim

Producer: Zhou Bohian

My hands are holding on tightly and trying to comfort your soul

But your hands and feet are cold.

But your hands and feet are cold and your body is always shaking

Even though you are leaning on me, your heart is stuck in a minefield

You are blown up by your guilt and you can never come close

It's too much to separate you from him

It's too much to hope that you would be sad because of him

If love is branded with the original sin

It's hard for the one who gets it to get it

The only thing that I have ever done is to be naive

It is not just a matter of being naive

It is also a matter of not knowing what you are getting yourself into.

I can't help it, I forget you're not single anymore

I'm a sinner, I've forgotten a kiss

I've split you in two

I'm supposed to get out of it

The price of arrogance is something I have to live with

I'm looking at him, I'm looking at him, I'm turning around

I'm forgetting me, I'm forgetting that I kissed yesterday

I'm forgetting that I've forgotten that I've forgotten that I've forgotten that I've forgotten that I've forgotten that I've forgotten that I've forgotten that I'm not single.

Promised to give you joy

But it makes your heart flutter

You're a human being, how can you be enough to share

Look to him and turn away

Forget me, forget this sinner's kiss

Question #3: The lyrics to Supercell's "Sinner". Sinner Lyrics Song Title: Sinner

Singer: Supercell

Album: My Dearest


Lyrics: ryo

Composer: ryo

Arranger: ryo

Song: supercell

Hope の あかり を探す Find the light you need

ここは真っ暗の中 In here, in the darkness

神どうしてですか Why God

彼女を何故選んだのですか Why I chose her

大事なものはいつでも In anything that matters at any given time

仆のものにあったのに But there's me next to it

神助けてください God please help me

愿う時にはもうWいんだ When it's not too late to hope

ああ 失ってやっと莞釘い Oh, you noticed the loss

君がいたこと That's Mr.

あの日に世界は时间を止めた On this day the world stopped time

君がいたこと を消して You had to be deleted

この仆が欲しい言葉を I want this word

言ってくれる人はもう Someone who says who has been

神 もしもいるなら If the God Moshimo

彼女をいますぐ返してよ Now we go back to her

ああ Lost ってやっとわかった Oh finally Found lost

君がいた意味 你的意思是有

永遠に世界は时间を止める Time stops the world forever

仆がいたこと 全てを消して I erase everything

終わり 完

Question 4 Nicholas Tse's "The Sinner" Lyrics Title: The Sinner

Singer: Nicholas Tse

Album: 20Twenty Best Selection

Nicholas Tse - The Sinner

Lyrics: Nicholas Leung

Songwriter: Nicholas Tse

Is it the envy or the loneliness that makes me lose my balance

If I can free myself of the ice, I will wait my whole life for you to come back.

I'd like to spend my life waiting

Is it a misunderstanding or is it really my fault in the first place

I could have hurt you and hated you for half a lifetime

There's still a little bit of vivid crack

There's still a little bit of pain

I won't tolerate it and don't want to get acquainted

It seems like I'm just a stranger to you

I've been running into people like you are

I've been trying to avoid my eyes

You look like a criminal, you're just going too far.

How can I know you? How can I know you? How can I know you? How can I know you? How can I know you? How can I know you? How can I know you? How can I know you? How can I know you? How can I know you?

I don't want to be left in the cold

Did you say that you still love me

There is still a little vivid crack

There is still a little pain

I don't want to be left in the cold

I feel like I'm a stranger in the street

I'm trying to hide from you

It's a sin to come too close to me

I don't want to be in the cold

I'm trying to hide from you

I'm trying to hide from you.

How can I be treated as an equal and a sinner alone

It's been a long struggle to find acceptance

Many lessons have been learned in the search for freedom

There's still a little bit of vivid cracking

There's still a little bit of heartache

And there's no way to let it go without wanting to know me

It's as if we've met as if we're just passing through the street

And you're running away from my eyes

You're like a sinner, you're only too close

You're like a sinner, you only get too close

How can we know each other, how radical

How can you treat me as an equal and I'm the only one who's a sinner

It's been a long struggle to find acceptance

Many lessons have been learned in search of freedom

Question 5: All songs with the word "sinner" in it. All the lyrics or loneliness makes me lose balance

If the ice is released, I would like to spend my life waiting

Is it a misunderstanding

Or is it that I was really too much

I can hurt you

and remembered for half of my life

There is also a point

vivid cracks

There is also a point


The most important thing is that you are not able to find the right person for the right job.

I don't want to be tolerated

I don't want to be known

I feel like I'm a passerby

I'm trying to avoid my eyes

You're like a sinner, you only get too close

How can you be known

How radical

How can you treat me like an equal

I'm the only sinner

Looking for acceptance

I've had a long struggle

To find a way to be accepted.

I've learned a lot about freedom

Is it the fall

Or is it the reality that has pushed me into a corner

A little cold-blooded

Without analyzing the results

Is it the loneliness

Or is it the coldness

Or is it the coldness that I don't want to see in the future

Have you ever said

Do you still love me


Question 6: In what songbook is the song <Ignorant Sinner>? The Call of the Lord

Performed by Zhang Fengying

Ignorant Sinner

Where are you

The Lord Jesus Christ

He's looking for you

It's time to open the door of grace

Open up the hour

Hurry up and come to repentance

Come to Christ

Lost sheep

Where are you

The Lord Jesus Christ

He's looking for you. Where are you, O lost sheep

Lord Jesus Christ

He is looking for you

O prodigal son

You have left your loving Father

and the Lord has been worried about you all day long

O slothful man

Where are you, O prodigal son

Lord Jesus Christ

He is looking for you

Now is the time of harvest

and the time of harvest is upon us

. Now is the golden season of the harvest

To do the Lord's bidding with all my heart

and to lead men unto the Lord

Dear Lord

Here I am

May the Lord send me forth at once

I would willingly forsake all

and labor for the Lord

To spread the gospel of the Lord

to all the ends of the earth

To all the ends of the earth, to all the ends of the earth, to all the ends of the earth, to all the ends of the earth, to all the earth.

Question 7: Let me be the one who breaks up with the sinner What song is OK

Lyrics: Lin Yifeng

Composer: JJ Lin

Performed by: Eason Chan

Question 8: Let's leave it at that Let me be the one who breaks up with the sinner Lyrics are OK

Loneliness clings to a door that's been waited on

Cracks in the floor

The river of time

There is always a thin line between love and hate

It's not impossible to go on like this

We've been stopping and going all the way

It's getting harder and harder to know what we want

We, we, we, we, we, we don't want to admit it.

Your traces are still with me

Like dust, there's no measure

It's like a shadow, and arrogance stings me

I'm really okay, I'm okay now

Maybe I can't deny it

Let me be the one who breaks up with you

Let's just forget about it if we can't go on the road we can't go on

We'll always be stopped here, and the love will be gone, and we will have become the past

I'm not sure if you want to go on the road you can't go on.

The road we can't go even if

We will always stop here

Love doesn't love the past

Just friends we can

Question 9: A drunken song! Meaning, do not understand Upload square dance "a drunken song" dance music to share with you.

Song: "A Drunken Song"

Lyrics: Light Cloud Looking at the Moon

Arranged by: Looking at the Sea High Song

Performed by: Yu Rou Looking at the Sea High Song


The wind blowing

Drift through a warm song

So melodious intoxicated me

Songs in your true feelings

The wind is blowing, but it is not the same as the wind blowing.

I'm happy in this song

It's a river of love

Where the rain slides down

An intoxicating song echoes

So lingering it warms me

Singing of love's fire

Singing of love's perseverance

Like a fine rain that nourishes me

Countless times.

We have witnessed the joys and sorrows of love together

Though the road is long, the years are wasted

No matter what the weather is like, we will walk through it together

For countless years, the stars have changed, and the summer and winter have passed by like a flurry of time

True love can pass through the years

I don't know if it's a winding road or a bumpy road

Let's walk together and sing the song of love. Let's walk hand in hand and sing the song of love

Question 10: What is the saddest song and the most heartbreaking song? First Time Lovers, Trajectory, July, July, July, We're All Gonna Be Wrong,