In the square one by one to ask to buy insurance how to ask

Going to the square dance certainly has the effect of fitness, but it can not put an end to the attack of some diseases, your mother often go out to the square dance, you also want to consolidate the health protection for their other methods, it is wise to take out health insurance as early as possible. How to buy health insurance for middle-aged and elderly people

1. The first thing to look at when buying critical illness insurance is its coverage, and it is best to be able to combine your own situation and estimate the risk of morbidity before deciding what kind of insurance is most suitable. The second thing to look at is the duration of coverage. As you get older, the incidence of major illnesses will increase. Premiums are cheaper at a younger age than at an older age, so don't choose a short-term insurance policy just for the sake of getting it cheaper.

2. Regarding the proportion of premium expenditure on critical illness insurance, an important principle is that it will not have an impact on the current standard of living. It is recommended to be 7-10% of the annual income of the family, and the percentage can be appropriately reduced in case of financial constraints. For the average family, usually to the current cost of treatment of common major diseases, combined with the modern medical system to consider.

3. Affordability: In the current market, a standard critical illness insurance is relatively expensive. If you choose a term insurance (the coverage time can be 10 years, 20 years, etc.) or additional insurance is relatively cheap. In addition, consumers can also choose some specialized insurance. And for a customer with a stable income, the insurance premium payment period, the longer the choice of payment period the better.

4. It is recommended to choose the last item, which can maximize the diversification of risk.

5. In addition to considering their own protection needs and affordability, policyholders should also carefully distinguish between the types of illnesses they are insured against and the exclusions, as well as fill in the information required to protect their rights and interests, such as their own physical condition and past medical history. To buy health insurance for your mother who loves to square dance, we have a variety of women's health insurance products that are suitable for your mother, so you are welcome to make a comprehensive comparison and selection. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to cover the cost of the insurance policy, and you will be able to get a good deal of money to cover the cost of the insurance policy.

If you have any other insurance questions, please come to: multi-policy fish speak insurance!