A Write a fairy tale about plants and animals for third grade in about 200 words
The Lazy Fox
In the forest there lived a cunning fox and an honest bear. They live together.
Spring came and they wanted to sow corn. The fox said: "Brother Bear, you go and plant the seeds, and I'll get rid of the birds in the trees. Otherwise, they will eat our seeds." When the fox had finished speaking, he went away. He went to sleep under a big tree. When the bear finished sowing the seeds, the fox woke up and rubbed his eyes and said to the bear: "I chased away a lot of birds and they all wanted to eat our seeds." The bear believed him.
The corn planted by the bear sprouted, grew taller and taller, and produced corn on the cob. When it was time to harvest, the fox said, "Brother, you go and collect the corn, and I will go to the mountains and hunt rabbits to improve our lives." The honest bear agreed. When the fox went out, he found another tree under which he could hide and have a good sleep. When he came home, the bear had finished harvesting the corn. The fox spread his hands and said: "Sorry, brother! It was a bad day. I didn't catch a single rabbit." The bear still believed him.
Autumn came, and the rice they planted was ripe. The fox said: "Brother, you go to collect the rice. I'll watch the corn at home, or the thieves will steal it." After the bear left, the fox slept at home again. When he had finished sleeping, the bear came back from harvesting the rice. "A thief came to steal our corn, but I drove him away." Fox told the bear. The bear still believes him.
When it's time to share, they ask their neighbor, Wolf, to be their witness. The fox said: "Brother Bear, you work so hard, I am not idle. Let's do it this way, I'll share nine, you share one, how about it?" The honest bear quickly agreed. The neighbor wolf said to the bear, "The fox is lying to you, in fact, every time you work, he is sleeping." The bear heard this and grabbed his things and drove the fox away.
Winter came, and everywhere was covered with snow and ice, and the fox could not find food, so he starved to death.
Second Third Grade Essay Write Three Animals Fairy Tales 200 Words
Borrowing Ears
The young rooster, who had bad eyes, went to the uncle at the eyeglass store and said, "Get me a pair of glasses."
The uncle took a look and smiled, "Ah, it's the little rooster!
This is the first time I've ever seen a pair of glasses in my life.
Yes, we need to borrow a pair of ears first. On his way home, the rooster met the yellow dog: "Yellow dog, yellow dog, your eyes are fine, you don't need to wear glasses, you don't need ears, lend me your ears!"
The yellow dog said, "Little rooster, I'm sorry, I can't lend you my ears. When hunting, I put up my two ears, and when the beasts move, I can hear them. I can also turn my ears, one moment to the east, the other to the west, and I can hear everything in all directions without turning my head around, which is very convenient! How could I hunt if I lent you my ears? Don't be in a hurry, little cockerel; borrow it from the bat."
The rooster went to the bat, which was hanging upside down in a tree cave, sleeping. The little rooster woke her up and explained the reason for his visit. The bat laughed and said, "You are so good at talking, if I lend you my ears, I will fly out and crash."
"You have eyes, how can you crash half dead?" The little rooster asked curiously.
The bat said: "Little rooster, my eyes are not as good as yours, I can not see anything during the day, the night is better, but I can not rely on it to recognize the way, I fly around to catch mosquitoes to eat, all rely on the ears. My ears are covered with fine hairs, which are very useful, telling me not to touch the wall in front of me and not to hit the tree next to me. How can I lend you my ears? Please go to the squirrel and borrow them."
When the little rooster came to the squirrel's house, he saw that the little squirrel had two ears up on his head, and they looked lovely, so he said, "Squirrel, lend me your ears."
The squirrel shook his head and said, "No, no. I hop around the tree all day, and without my ears to protect me, my eyes will get stung by the branches."
In this way, the little rooster ran all day without borrowing an ear. Later, he listened to the monkey and got a pair of glasses, which he tied to the back of his head with a string.
Three Fairy tales with small animals as the main characters
1. The cat and the mouse were friends (from "Grimm's Fairy Tales")
The cunning cat tricked the mouse into trusting him, and the honest mouse promised to make friends with the cat and live together. The cat and the mouse bought a jar of cream and hid it under the altar in the church.
It did not take long, the cat was greedy, she said three times a lie, either a relative or a friend to say that she asked her to be a godmother, in fact, quietly ran to the church to steal the cream, the mouse in the dark.
In the winter, the cat ate all the cream, the little mouse realized that the cat when, and finally eaten by the cat. This story makes me understand a truth, do not trust others, to distinguish right from wrong.
2, the wolf and the fox (from "Grimm's Fairy Tales")
Once upon a time, there was a wolf and a fox to live together, the wolf often bullied the fox, called the fox to go to it to find food. Because of the wolf's greed, the food the fox found was never enough for him.
Once, the wolf and the fox went to the cellar together to eat meat, the cunning fox while eating while looking afraid of the farmer to come, the farmer really came, the fox ran away at once, but the wolf because of too much to eat, the stomach rounded no way to escape, and finally killed by the farmer.
3, the fox and the cat (from "Grimm's Fairy Tales")
A cat met a fox in the forest, thinking: "He is smart and experienced, quite respected." So he greeted the fox very kindly: "Good day, honorable Mr. Fox, how are you? These are pretty tough days, how are you doing?"
The fox arrogantly looked the cat over from head to toe, and was half-unable to decide whether or not it should talk to it.
Finally he said, "Oh, you unlucky bearded, tattooed fool, hungry mouse-chaser, what do you know? Who are you to ask me how I'm doing? What skills have you learned?"
"I have only one skill." The cat said modestly." What skill?" Fox asked." When someone is chasing me, I can climb a tree and hide to protect myself."" That's it?"
The fox said disdainfully, "I have hundreds of skills and a pocket full of tricks. I really feel sorry for you, follow me and I'll teach you how to escape from a chase."
Just then the hunter approached with four dogs. The cat scurried nimbly to a tree, and crouched down in the top of it, where the dense foliage hid it from view." Open your pocket of tricks, Mr. Fox, open it!"
The cat shouted at the fox. But the hound had already pounced on the fox and bit him." Alas, Mr. Fox," cried the cat, "you have thrown away your thousand talents! Had you been able to climb a tree like me you would not have lost your life!"
4. The Flounder (from Grimm's Fairy Tales)
There has always been no order in the kingdom of fish, and the fish have long been dissatisfied with it. They don't make way for others, they swim left and right, they do what they want, they either run through the middle of the fish that are gathered together, or they get in the way of others at will.
The big ones always hit the weaker ones with their tails and drive them away, or eat them without a second thought. They said, "If only there were a king among us who could administer both law and justice!"
So the group agreed that whoever could swim the fastest in the waves and help the weak would be chosen as king.
They lined up on the beach. The dogfish signaled with his tail, so the group moved forward one by one. The dogfish went forward as far as an arrow, followed closely by the bluegill, the poplar, the perch, the carp, and all the other fish.
Even the plaice joined them and hoped to win. At that moment there was a sudden shout, "Greenfish first! Mackerel first!" "Who's first?" The jealous plaice, already far behind, shouted angrily under his breath, "Who was first?"
"The bluefish! The green fish!" A fish replied. The guy was even more jealous and yelled under his breath, "That naked mackerel? The naked bluegill?" From then on, the plaice was punished and his mouth grew crooked.
5. The Hare and the Hedgehog (from Grimm's Fairy Tales)
On a fine sunny day, the flowers were fragrant and the wind was gentle. There was a clever little hedgehog who was leaning against the door with his arms folded in the sun, happily humming a children's song. Suddenly, the little hedgehog remembered the radishes he had planted and went happily to the radish field.
On the way the hedgehog saw the hare and said happily to the hare, "Good morning, hare!"
But the hare ignored the hedgehog and just tilted his head and said to the hedgehog, "Why are you running by the ground so early in the morning?"
The hedgehog said, "I'm taking a walk."
The hare laughed and said, "Haha, a walk? You can only run so fast, can't you?"
The hedgehog got very angry, so he said to the hare: "You think you can just run faster than me?"
The hare said, "I'm already faster than you, and I bet if we had a race, I'd beat you."
The hedgehog said, "You're looking down on me, so let's race!"
The hare said, "Well, we can start now!"
The hedgehog said, "Don't worry, I haven't had breakfast yet! I have to go home and eat first. We'll race again in half an hour."
The hedgehog left, and on the way home the hedgehog thought, "The hare is running fast, and is very proud of himself, and looks down on me, so I'm going to win over him, and show him what I'm made of!"
When he got home, he said to his wife, "Come with me to the field, dear."
The mother hedgehog asked, "What's wrong?"
The hedgehog replied, "I'm going to race the hare!"
The mother hedgehog exclaimed, "Oh dear, have you gone mad, how could you think of racing the hare?"
The hedgehog said, "I have a good idea, you come with me."
So they went on their way together. The hedgehog said to the mother hedgehog, "Now listen to me, I have a good idea, I will run behind the hare. All you have to do is to stay where the end is, and when he reaches you you say to him, "I've been here a long time." When the mother hedgehog heard this, she said happily, "My dear, you are so clever!"
When they got to the ground, the hedgehog told the mother hedgehog where to stay and happily went off to find the hare. As soon as the hare saw the hedgehog he asked, "Can we start?"
The hedgehog said, "Start, I can't wait!"
With that, they each got ready. The hare counted, "One, two, three, run!" Then it ran like the wind. But the hedgehog only ran two or three steps and then crouched down and didn't move.
When the hare ran to the finish line, the female hedgehog shouted, "Why are you here now, I've been waiting for you here for a long time!" The hare was shocked and very surprised. As hedgehogs all look the same, he assumed that this was the same hedgehog from earlier.
Unconvinced, the hare said, "No, I'm not convinced, let's race again!"
Hedgehog quickly agreed, so, every time the hare ran to the end of the hedgehog where he was waiting for him, they ran seventy-three times, to the seventy-fourth time, the hare can not run, halfway to the fainting on the ground.
The lovely hedgehog was slow, but in the end he used his ingenuity to defeat the proud hare!
Fourth grade essay choose several animals as the main character, make up a fairy tale
Fox and goat fell into the well
A fox lost his footing and fell into the well, no matter how much he struggled and still could not climb up, the right to have to stay there. The male goat felt thirsty, came to the well, saw the fox at the bottom of the well, then asked him if the water was good. Fox felt the opportunity to come, the heart secretly happy, immediately calm down, praised the well water, said the water is the world's first spring, sweet and refreshing, and advised the goat quickly down, and he drank. A heart only want to drink water to believe that the goat, they do not think about jumping down, when he gulped and drank, it had to be with the fox **** on the way to the well. The fox was prepared for this, and said cunningly, "I have a way. You use your front feet to pick yourself up on the wall of the well, and then straighten your horns, and I will jump up into the well from your back, and then pull you up, and we shall both be saved." The male goat agreed to his proposal, and the fox stepped on his hind feet, jumped on his back, and then jumped out of the well with another hard jump from his horns. When the fox got up there, he prepared to flee alone. The male goat accused the fox of not keeping his word. The fox turned back to the male goat and said, "Hey friend, if your mind was as perfect as your whiskers, you wouldn't have jumped blindly before you could see the exit."
This story shows that a smart person should think through the outcome of something beforehand and then do it.
V Grade 3 Essay on Fairy Tales about People and Animals 250 words.
Me and My Little Turtles
When I first started third grade, my dad bought me two cute little turtles. I gave them nice names. One was called Green Green and the other Yellow Yellow.
Green Green's shell is a little green, so I called it Green Green. The other one is called Huanghuang, because its shell is yellow! Huanghuang loves to eat meat, every time I feed it meat, it has long stretched its neck and mouth wide open waiting. I put the meat on a toothpick and just handed it to Huang Huang, who swallowed the whole piece of meat in one gulp. Green doesn't like meat. When I put the meat in front of it, Green immediately shrank his head back into his shell as if to say, "Meat is disgusting! I'm not going to eat it!" Green Green only eats feed. Feeding the turtles is my favorite thing to do, and every time I feed them, I think to myself: little turtles, little turtles, eat and grow up fast.
I built two homes for the turtles, one is a small pond, the other is a small pool. One of them is a small pool, the other is a rocky mountain. Once, because the stone stacked too high, green green climbed away from the rocky mountain, looking for a long time can not be found, I thought I never see green green. I thought I would never see her again. I was so upset about this. About half a month later, my mom walked into the kitchen and almost stepped on Green, and she yelled, "Jiejie! Come here quickly! I found Green Green!" I rushed over to take a look, this naughty green green is hiding behind the kitchen door! Mom said, "Maybe Green Green smelled the fragrance and ran out from where he was hiding." Mom put the green back into the sink, haha, my beloved green, we meet again! I was so happy.
The next day, I saw Green and Yellow fighting. Yellow won and stretched his neck out as if to say, "Who let you come to my territory? You don't know what you're doing!" I said, "Green, let's go back to Messy Mountain."
In this way, the two little turtles have been with me through the first semester of the third grade. Then, shortly after the next semester began, my two little turtles, because of picky eating, both starved to death! I was so sad! Until now, I still have these two little turtles in my heart.
Six Little Animal Fairy Tales 3rd Grade 285 Words
Little Animal Fairy Tales
One day, the weather was eyewitness, a smart little white rabbit came out to pick mushrooms, and he was humming a happy song as he hopped along.
A ferocious tiger spotted the white rabbit, and the tiger thought to himself, "This little white rabbit is fat, I must eat it for my lunch today. The tiger stretched out its sharp claws, opened its bloody mouth, showed its sharp teeth, and pounced on the white rabbit.
When the white rabbit saw the big tiger, it had a bright idea. Covering his stomach, he said, "Tiger king, I just ate poisonous mushrooms, I'm going to die." With that, he fell to the ground with a thud and pretended to be dead. The tiger thought to himself, "If I eat it, I will die too. So the tiger turned around and left. When the white rabbit saw that the tiger was far away, it got up and shouted to the elephant who was bathing by the river, "Uncle Elephant! The big tiger is going to eat me!" The elephant came over, rolled up the white rabbit with his trunk, and sent the rabbit to the other bank. As soon as the big tiger saw that he had been tricked, he looked at the little white rabbit with his teeth and claws open and said fiercely, "I'm going to eat you!" The little white rabbit said to the big tiger, "Goodbye! You stupid tiger."
When the white rabbit went home, he told his mom exactly what happened, and she praised him and said, "You're great!"
This story tells us that we should use our brains when we encounter things.
Seven of the small animals as the main character of the fairy tale 280 words
Stories between animals
Chen Lingjing
Summer came, a group of small ants looking for food, they in the hot summer, risking their lives to find the food, a rooster came running, the chicken has been hungry stomach "cooing", the group of small ants, they were looking for food, a rooster ran to the chicken, this chicken is hungry stomach "cooing", the group of small ants, the group of small ants, the group of small ants, they were looking for food. "A group of ants was right under the chicken's feet, as if they were about to be eaten by the rooster. At this time, a butterfly flew over and hurriedly shifted the rooster's attention to the other side, and quietly told the ants to run to the grass, this beautiful and kind butterfly saved the lives of the little ants. The butterfly saved the lives of the little ants. From then on, the little ants and butterflies became good friends.
After a while, a chameleon wandered by and said, "Let's make friends!" The butterfly said, "Yes, we are missing a playmate here!" The clever little ants all whispered to the butterfly, "Don't be fooled by the bad guys! Last year, our companion was also eaten by it on this piece of grass!" After saying that, the butterfly and the little ants ran away intensively, and also said to the chameleon, "We have something to do, and will come back later." Chameleon really thought they would be back in a while, and waited there, but the little ants and butterflies never came back.
Website Studio
Posted on 2011-11-30 09:49:48
What Happened in the Meadow
Liu Rongjun
Yesterday night it rained, and this morning, the ants and butterflies suddenly had a terrible pain in their stomachs, so the master of the flying bugs rushed them to the Giant Ants Hospital in the meadow.
Shortly after arriving at the hospital, the two mothers' stomachs hurt even more, and the giant ant doctor told their families that the two mothers were about to give birth to their babies. A few minutes later, only heard "born, born" from the delivery room came the cheers, the original little baby was born, you see, the baby ants are very small, not even a grain of rice, two short antennae, very cute; butterfly baby is even more adorable, the baby's body is chubby, the color is green, the meat is soft, just like the sheep flower as soft. soft.
From then on, the little ant and the little caterpillar knew each other, and soon after, the little caterpillar grew up into a beautiful butterfly, and the little ant grew into a brave giant ant. Once, they went out at the same time, both to the other side of the house, walk, walk, the two are about to cross, suddenly they called up at the same time, "Hello", "Hello", the two said while coming to the grass, the ants said: "Let's give ourselves a name. Let's give ourselves a name!" The butterfly agreed and said, "I've named myself Sissy, so you can be called Dong Dong." "Yes," Dongdong agreed readily, and then Xixi said, "Look, the flowers on this turquoise grass must be able to bring me pollen," Dongdong also said, "Look at this wide watermelon rind must be able to make a barracks! ," Dongdong added, "Then let's dig a playground inside it and let's play together first." Said the two people on the hands of digging up, after digging up the two people jumped down, play to their heart's content, I do not know how long to play, the two people are very fatigue, unknowingly into a sweet dream.
Website Studio
Posted on 2011-11-30 09:50:00
The Adventures of the Little Ants
Wen Juan
The little ants were playing on the grass. One little ant saw something "golden" and "sparkling", so he suggested to the group, "Let's go and carry gold and find joy, okay?" The little ants all agreed. So, they all set off together to find the "gold" and "joy" to go.
Ms. Butterfly is picking pollen, suddenly, she saw part of the little ants are to the distant desert forward, and part of the little ants are running to the lake, Ms. Butterfly rushed to fly over. The little ants saw the butterfly flying over and said, "Sister Butterfly! Sister Butterfly! Will you help us to carry gold?" "Will you help us find joy?" The butterfly said, "I have come to tell you that ahead are deserts and lakes, and there is no gold or joy at all!"
As soon as the little ants heard this, they came to their senses and hurriedly turned backward and returned to their old meadow. However, a few little ants thought otherwise. Some of them thought, "Is that a desert? I don't believe it! What's that glittering gold if not gold?" They still moved forward ...... Another group of little ants said, "How magical is that sparkling place! There must be so much joy there!" They were not discouraged, and continued to crawl forward ......
The days went by day by day ...... The little ants who went to the desert died one by one of thirst for want of water under the scorching sun; and the little ants who went to the lake to seek joy had not yet climbed to the the lake, they were swept to the bottom by a rushing wave. Only the little ants who listened to the words of the butterfly sister were happily playing games on the grass.
Eight What are the fairy tales with small animals as the main characters
Fairy tales with small animals as the main characters are The Trouble with the Grand Wizard, The Old Earthworm's Wish, Granny Blueberry and the Bears Together, The Adventures of the Curious Cat, and Who Saw My Vellum, etc. The most important feature of fairy tales is that they use a lot of different characters to make them more interesting. The biggest feature of fairy tales is the rich imagination, giving animals, plants and other objects human feelings.
Nine composition to write a fairy tale in which a small animal is the main character what should be written
First set the main character, and then write his experiences, stories, such as the following: Once upon a time, the butterfly was very ugly, the body was thick and fat, the two big gray wings swinging in the air, and the inhabitants of the animal kingdom looked down on her.
The butterfly saw the dragonfly dancing in the air, and said kindly: "Sister dragonfly, can I play with you?" The dragonfly said impatiently, "Look how ugly you are, how slim I am, do you deserve to play with me?" Butterfly heard very sad, slowly fly away.
Flying, the butterfly saw the snow-white moth flying around freely. She said courteously, "Moth sister, let's go to the lake to play, okay?" The moth rolled her eyes at the butterfly and said angrily, "How are you qualified to play with me, look how ugly your big gray wings are, don't dirty my body." The butterfly heard this and felt that she was the most unfortunate person in the world.
She flew and flew and flew, and saw a large flower, one after another competing and graceful, really colorful and beautiful. She smelled how intoxicating the scent of the flowers, and she resolved to take good care of them, so that they would grow even more beautiful and fragrant.
Every morning, the butterfly watered the large patch of flowers until noon. After lunch, she helped the flowers spread pollen, and when she found that some of the flowers had worms, she treated the flowers for insects. In this way, the butterfly labored hard for a year.
The next spring, one morning, the butterfly was watering the flowers, suddenly a beautiful girl ran out from the buds of peony flowers, ah! Isn't it the flower fairy? The flower fairy said to the flowers, "I came here today to be touched by the butterfly, she has worked hard for us for a year, I want to print a little bit of everyone's color on the butterfly's body as a sign of her labor, okay?" The flowers all nodded their heads in agreement, and so the butterfly's big gray wings took on all kinds of patterns and beautiful colors.
Butterflies not only have a beautiful appearance, but also a beautiful heart.
i. Capture the characteristics of the animal. ii. Develop a reasonable imagination Little Fox Goes to School
The little fox has reached the age of school and wants to go to school very much. But the goat principal of the animal school said coldly: "You foxes are too cunning, the animal school does not accept fox students. You'd better go back!" The little fox was so sad that he ran towards the grove while crying.
The little fox ran, accidentally, the roadside basket full of pine cones knocked over, pine cones rolled all over the ground. The little fox looked around no movement, pulling legs and slipped away. After running for a while, the fox suddenly remembered the words of the principal of the goat, he rushed back again. He saw that the squirrel's mother was busy picking up the pine cones that had tumbled to the ground. The little fox's face turned red, and he bowed his head and apologized to the mother squirrel, saying, "I am sorry, mother squirrel! It was me who accidentally knocked over the pinecones, but I am ...... let me pick up the pinecones for you!" After saying that, he hurriedly bent down and picked up the pinecones with the mother squirrel. Squirrel mother not only did not blame the little fox, but also praised the little fox is an honest child.
After picking up the pine cones, the little fox heart is very comfortable, he said "goodbye" to the mother squirrel, and jumped forward. Walking, the little fox heard the forest came "Kirikou, Kirikou" call. The fox looked around and finally found a lost chicken under a bush. The fox went up and said enthusiastically, "Sister chick, don't worry, let me help you look for your mother!" The little chicken looked at the little fox, scared, she shivered and said, "Don't touch me, you are a big bad man!" The little fox said sincerely, "We foxes do do a lot of bad things, but this time, please believe me, will never lie to you, I will help you find the chicken's mother!" Chickens half-believe, reluctantly agreed, the fox led the chickens in the forest east to inquire, west to inquire, and finally found the chicken mother. Chickens "yipping", happy to throw into the arms of the mother chicken. The mother of the chickens know that the fox helped the chickens, and surprised and happy, and praised the fox is a good boy to help people.
"Haha ......", the goat principal rushed to hear the news appeared in front of the little fox, "little fox, congratulations to you ah! I now officially announce that you have been accepted into the animal school!" The little fox heard, respectfully bowed to the principal goat, said, "Thank you, principal goat." In a flash, he ran towards his home.
The next day, the little fox backpack, happy to go to school.
Thirteenth grade essay has a fairy tale about animals how to write a 300-word essay
Proud Frog
In nature, there grows a proud father frog, and a little frog.
One day, the little frog saw an elephant and thought to himself: "Daddy says he is the most powerful animal in the world, but why do I think the elephant is ten thousand times bigger than Daddy?
Back home, the frog asked his father, who was watching TV: "Dad, didn't you say you were the most powerful animal in the world? Why do I think elephants are 10,000 times bigger than you?" "How can that be! I don't believe it, I'm the biggest animal in the world, what's an elephant? If you can, let him compare with me! Dad said in an unconvincing tone.
The frog father and the frog baby came to the place where the elephant lives, and when the father saw the elephant, he said, "Hello, the smallest animal in the world!" At this time the elephant quickly retorted: "What? You say I am the smallest, hum, I think you are the smallest, capable of us than one!"
"Well, who's afraid of who!" After saying that, the elephant sucked in a breath and bulged his stomach. Frog baby said: "Dad, you are still not as big as the elephant! Don't try to be so strong!" But the proud frog was not convinced and continued to puff up his belly.
"Okay, Dad, don't be a hero! Otherwise the consequences ......" did not wait for the frog baby finished, only to hear "bang" sound, the frog father's stomach burst open, then, the frog mother knows, rushed to the scene.
But, the frog father has died in this meadow, the frog mother and the frog baby hugged and cried, the mother cried while saying: "children, do not grow up to learn your father, self-righteousness, the consequences of pride is ......"
Friends, you know what the last words of the frog mom?