Why has Swan Lake endured for so long as it has permanently enlivened the charms of the world's art scene? (iv)

Immortal swan

Ballet is of course an outstanding representative of the world's outstanding culture and art, standing in the 19th century on top of the Russian music Tchaikovsky completed the creation of "Swan Lake", is this top of the crown of the art of ballet on the jewel of the Russian National Ballet and the Swan Lake this excellent traditional repertoire of authoritative performance groups, the Kremlin Theater is the troupe's The Kremlin Theater has been the company's designated performance venue for decades. Everything is of the highest grade. Everything is ideal.

In the silence, four harps strummed sadly, and the cello whimpered out a familiar melody. In the midst of the darkness, a spotlight suddenly shoots out a pillar of light, and the beautiful white swan appears in front of people. The column of light tracked the swan, the white undulation and rotation, touching 6000 hearts ......

From the birth of "Swan Lake" in Russia this piece of cultural nutrition is extremely rich in the land, counting up to today has been exactly 120 years. Including us, the story of Swan Lake is well known, the phrases and even sections and movements of "Swan Lake" are very familiar to people, and watching other teams perform elsewhere is a memory that has been there before, but there is no one who shows any impatience or even slight inattentiveness, and people don't move a muscle. Rodbert, the demon on the cliff, turned the beautiful Princess Ojeta into a white swan, and the repression and anguish translated into music that was intermittent, like drops of tears falling. The pure heart of the swan maiden, the chivalry and sincere love of the brave prince Siegfried, in the combination of the dramatic structure of symphonic music with extremely rich expressive power and beautiful melody, with extremely touching musical characters, to the world to tell the story of fearless love under any test without words. The music ended, the lights rested long on the dead swan, and gradually, gradually went out. There was no applause, and an agonizing silence reigned on and off the stage. The curtain slowly covers down, the lights slowly go dark, the swan is dead, but Swan Lake does not rest. Applause erupted, and its fervor could not be overstated. This roaring applause for the power of love, for the play's poetic image, distinctive melody and rich expressive power, for the "Swan Lake" permanently active in the world of art on the stage of the charm, and endless.

"Only music can express the all-encompassing character of love." So said Tchaikovsky. Swan Lake, with its rich musical images and distinctive characters, celebrates the sublimity of love and inspires people to love life, to recognize deception, to overcome evil and to pursue the all-encompassing love. (Li Gongyu)