The lyrics of the song are "pay too much, in exchange for only punishment", the song title "Roadrunner".
Title: "The Roadrunner"
Singer: Liu Siyuan
Composer: Li Han
Lyrics: Li Han
Let me look at your beautiful hair again, let me kiss your cheeks again
I don't want to say anything else that will keep you here, but let your tears float in the wind
I want to ask you if you've already got him in your heart, and I want to ask him if he's been good to you
I want to ask him if he's been good to you, and I want to ask him if he's been good to you.
I want to say something more, but choked and swallowed, only to wish you a safe journey
Forget my love, throw away the flowers I sent you
Take me as your passerby, it is my own stupidity
Can't leave you behind, and let your heart wander to the ends of the earth
Forget my love, forget about you
It's me, your passer-by
It is me.
The price I paid was too much, but I was punished
A person who lives a life of luxury, I want to ask you if you already have him in your heart
I want to ask him if he's good to you, and I want to say something else, but I choke on it
Only I wish you a safe journey, forget about my love, right?
Throw away the flowers I sent you, and consider me your roadie
I was too stupid to leave you behind
Let your heart wander, forget my love?
Forget about your attachment, I'm your wayfarer
Paying too much, in exchange for punishment
Live alone, live alone in style
Expanded Information: Singer Liu Siyuan sings the song "Roadrunner" with a total song length of 4 minutes and 32 seconds. The song is included in the album "Roadrunner", which was released on September 14, 2016, and the album contains songs performed by the singer. The song "Roadrunner" is also one of the many excellent works sung by the singer, and the song was highly sought after by fans after its release. Singer Ge Chunxu sings this song, which is included in his album 'T01', which is included in two songs, and released on April 28, 2019 when the album started.