Which bank has the lowest interest rate for the term of the credit card, what is the fraction? What bank's credit card is the best deal for a $250,000 loan?

1. Credit cards are interest-free for the duration of the term. In installments. Most of them are currently 4% for one year, 8% for two years, and 11% for three years

2. If you are borrowing 250,000 dollars, you should go directly to the credit department of the bank to inquire about it. The interest rate is much lower than credit card installments (unless you pay it off within a year)

3. Each bank has different partners and regional differences, so it's hard to say which one is the most affordable and has the most discounts. The most important thing is that you can choose the one that is convenient for you to do business with. More outlets is good, the service. I personally feel that foreign banks are better

4. You're talking about money transfers. Most of them are 0.4.%, capped at 50 yuan fee, but the credit card cash withdrawals also charge a fee, pay attention to this

5. Domestic that bank are similar. The first thing you need to do is to make it easy for you to do your business. The good thing about the postal service is that it is not closed. Sunday also work