In fact, in real life, there are many people without quality. They worship high, tread low, obey yin, and judge people by their appearances. Especially in the workplace, such people are not uncommon. For example, some people greet their leaders with smiles. Seeing people whose abilities are not as good as their own, they worship the high and step on the low. When you don't behave well, people will laugh at you and look down on you. If you are not careful with such people, you will become colleagues. I think it's better to stay at a respectful distance from others. But if others insult you, especially in terms of dignity, then you should fight back.
If you meet some people who don't respect you in life, avoid them. For example, you go outside to buy coffee. But some people always like to cut in line. You say something about her, and people start to get angry. Start cursing the streets and your ancestors for 18 generations. Your heart is very annoyed. You always feel that you have done nothing wrong. Why do you want to be scolded by others? If you continue to argue with her, you can't argue with her. So, just keep silent and go away. Some women are like this, and they like to have the upper hand. Then when you are outside, press your head. This is the embodiment of no quality. The ancients did not say that only villains and women were difficult to raise. So, don't care too much about women.
Some people who don't respect others are often people with no quality or education. You can't argue with him. And one thing, even if you communicate with him, two people have different views, so it is very difficult to communicate. Therefore, when two people have an argument, just keep silent. It takes two hands to applaud, so let him say there, and the fire won't burn. But don't be too patient, this size should be grasped. Otherwise, people will think you are a coward.