Group gymnastics has developed into many categories, which can be roughly classified as follows: Single-session group gymnastics: A single-session group gymnastics is a group gymnastics that completes all the performance content in a short time.
Multi-session group gymnastics: Multi-session group gymnastics is a group gymnastics that is composed of multiple performances. It can be a whole performance that connects multiple performances with a theme, or it can be a collection of multiple performances that have no internal connection.
Marching group gymnastics: Marching group gymnastics is a group gymnastics that repeats a certain performance while marching. You can perform with your bare hands, with props or on a float. Large-scale group gymnastics: Large-scale group gymnastics usually involves thousands of people participating in multiple performances, and the total performance time is about one hour or more.
Medium-sized group gymnastics: Medium-sized group gymnastics generally involves hundreds of people, single or multiple times, and the total performance time is 30-40 minutes.
Small group gymnastics: Medium-sized group gymnastics generally involves dozens of people, and the total performance time for a single session is about ten minutes. Indoor group gymnastics: Indoor group gymnastics are group gymnastics performed on the performance stage or in the off-site performance area in gymnasiums, theaters, assembly halls, etc. Outdoor group gymnastics: Outdoor group gymnastics are group gymnastics performed in outdoor sports fields or squares.
Ice group gymnastics: Ice group gymnastics are group gymnastics performed on ice (natural or artificial ice) like group dances on ice.
Aquatic group gymnastics: Aquatic group gymnastics are group gymnastics performed like water ballet in a swimming pool or a specially designed water performance area.