Wang Fei, the song is not good, the person is not beautiful, why is the diva?

The owner has said that Wang Fei song is not good, the person is not beautiful, then why come to know to ask? Wang Fei is known as the queen of heaven is a reason, the entertainment circle is very amusing people are her fans. You said her songs are not good, I'm sure you haven't heard many of Faye Wong's songs. The first floor said, Faye Wong's songs we all have heard, singing degree so high naturally have his reason. Faye Wong's voice is very distinctive, listen carefully to her songs will find. I recommend a few timbre, style are not too the same song: boring (a bit of rock and roll feeling, sung very casually). Orchid Fuck (the movie? Confucius? (the theme song of the movie?), very much like the ancient chanting, the ancients reading want to sing like a tune). Chess (lyrical). Seeing Smoke Again (after "Only You?") (After the "only you?" even rise 7, 8 keys, only Faye Wong) easily injured woman (Mandarin version, do not listen to the title of the song is a bit cheesy, but it is really very good to hear). The human world (very, very much like). Wings of light (rock feeling, listen to a few more times will feel very good to listen to) I am not sure how old the owner is, very impetuous people can not understand the songs of Faye Wong, I am 15 this year, although it is the 90s, but I still very much like Faye Wong. Wang Fei is very straightforward, have something to say, never false, dare to love, dare to hate, and in fact, she is also a very poor people, her microblogging (Sina) Veggieg in the full embodiment of Wang Fei's hilarious ability to go to see it. Faye Wong's voice is very distinctive, I gave my dad played a few (all recommended) different styles of songs, I put surprisingly did not hear is Faye Wong. With Baidu hi me, you can free to recommend to you Faye Wong's good songs Oh ~, can also add Q825452141