The gameplay of Happily Ever After, no mods, thanks!

The strategy for the male and female protagonists is the same, the difference is only in the characters you meet. The other name in parentheses after the name is to play the female protagonist will meet the person. For example, Linda (Simon) means that if you play the male protagonist in the same location, you will meet Linda, while if you play the female protagonist, you will meet Simon.

Quest0: Tutorial

Quest0-1: Go to Kim.

Move your character to the question mark next to Kim.

Quest0-2: Look around the apartment.

Walk around the apartment and find the three question mark points in the kitchen, bathroom, and player bedroom.

Quest0-3: Get something to eat from the fridge.

Stand up to the kitchen question mark point, then tap the fridge to get food.

Quest0-4: Take a shower.

Stand at the bathroom question mark and take a shower.

Quest0-5: Buy yourself a bed and put it in your room.

Stand at the player's bedroom question mark point, then buy a bed and put it in.

QuestRelship: She(He) WILL be mine

QuestRelship-1: Win Anna(Josh)'s friendship back.

Player and Anna(Josh)'s friendship (smiley face blue bar) reaches a certain level to complete the quest.

QuestRelship-2: Show Anna(Josh) your romantic side. (Optional)

This quest is completed when the player's romantic value (blue bar with red heart) reaches a certain level with Anna(Josh).

QuestRelship-3: Give Anna(Josh) the hots for you! (Optional)

The quest will be completed when the player and Anna(Josh) reach a certain level of sex value (blue bar with lips).

Quest1: Moving in, Moving on

Quest1-1: Give Magnet a call.

Call Magnet for help.

Quest1-1: Meet Magnet and talk with him.

Go to the bar and talk to Magnet.

Quest1-2: Find a way to get in touch with Magnet again.

Use the time when Anna(Josh) and Kim go to work to enter Anna(Josh)'s room to find useful information.

Quest1-3: Find the key to Anna(Josh)'s album.

An album can be found in the cabinet at the end of Anna(Josh)'s bed, but it is locked.

Quest1-4: Find the lock that fits Anna(Josh)'s key.

The key to the album can be found in the cupboard at the end of Anna(Josh)'s room.

Quest2: Hands to Work

Quest2-1: Get these items: a large carpet, an oriental table, two cushions and a tent.

Buy a large carpet, an oriental table, two cushions and a tent. cushions and a tent.

Quest2-2: Get lots of candles for a cosy atmosphere.

Purchase six candles (any kind of candle will do) and place them on either side of an oriental table (three each).

Quest2-3: Arrange the objects as they were placed in Anna(Josh)'s photos.

To set up the venue for the candlelit dinner, look at the photo arrangements prompted by the task bar. It's important to note that the cushions are oriented like the chairs, so don't place them in the wrong direction or the characters won't be able to sit down.

QuestOpt2: The Gardener

QuestOpt2-1: Purchase a herb-garden.

Purchase a herb-garden.

QuestOpt2-2: Take care of it and let the herbs grow.

Water the herb-garden every day and let it grow.

When you do, the cooking skill will automatically +1.

Quest3: What's Cooking? Quest3-1: Prepare a delicious meal for Anna(Josh) and yourself.

Cook a meal with a level 2 or higher cooking skill.

Quest3-2: Invite Anna(Josh) to your romantic candlelit-dinner.

Invite Anna(Josh)**** to a candlelit dinner. Once the player has completed the quest in 3-1, tap Anna(Josh) and the command to invite Anna(Josh) to a candlelit dinner will appear. Candlelight dinner must be done within the time period of 1900~2200, too early or too late.

Quest3-3: Improve your cooking-skills.

Increase your cooking-skills to level 2, either on your own or automatically by QuestOpt2-2.

Quest 3-4: You need to get rid of Kim.

Buying Kim a ticket to go out before the candlelight dinner is Quest 3-5.

Quest 3-5: Buy a ticket for Kim.

Buy a ticket for Kim online. The prerequisite is that you must first talk to Kim and have her tell the player that tickets can be bought online, and that's when the online shopping effect will kick in.

Quest4: Turning a new leaf

Quest4-1: Record a CD of your songs.

Record a CD of your own solo songs, but only if you've completed all of the conditions in 4-2 through 4-4.

Quest4-2: You'll need a microphone, an amplifier and a guitar.

Buy a microphone and a speaker. The guitar, on the other hand, is already there to begin with, so you don't need to buy a new one.

Quest 4-3: Your equipment must be connected.

Put the three pieces of equipment from 4-2 together. The more important thing to note is that the microphone must be left in place for the character to stand, it's for singing.

Quest 4-4: Improve your guitar-playing skills.

Increase the Creativity skill (with guitar icon) to level two.

Quest4-5: Give Anna(Josh) your dedicated CD.

Give Anna(Josh) the CD you recorded. You must complete all the conditions of Quest5 before you can succeed at this one.

Quest5: To the bar!

Quest5-1: Meet Anna(Josh) at the bar.

When the time is 1830, you will get a call from Magnet, so go to the bar and find Anna(Josh).

Quest5-2: Find a way to get rid of Simon(Natascha). Let Nicolas(Linda), Linda(Simon) and Bernie(Ellen) help you.

Find a way to get rid of Simon(Natascha). You'll meet Nicolas, Linda and Bernie for the hero and Linda, Simon and Ellen for the heroine. The main thing is to get the two men (or two women) to swap clothes. The four steps are as follows~

I. Say hello to Linda (Simon) and then choose Pay a compliment dialog.

Two: Say hello to Nicolas(Linda) again, then choose Gossip dialog.

Three: Say hi to Bernie (Ellen) again, then choose Gossip to have a conversation.

Four, go back and talk to Nicolas (Linda) and select Comfort for the conversation. When you're done, go to the episode animation.

Quest5-3: Follow Anna(Josh) to the apartment and talk to her(him).

After completing Quest 5-2, Anna(Josh) will go back to the apartment alone, so players just need to follow her back to the apartment and send her CD.

Quest6: Mike Davis

Quest6-1: Meet Mike at the bar and invite him to jam with you.

Meet Mike at the bar and invite him to jam with you at the player's apartment. You must complete both conditions 6-2 and 6-3 first.

Quest6-2: Buy some decent clothes.

Buy a new piece of clothing, preferably one that costs $200 or more, and wear the new clothes so Mike will pay attention to you.

Quest6-3: You've got to talk to Mike to become friends.

Cultivate friendship value (smiley blue bar) with Mike to a certain level.

Quest6-4: Invite Mike to your apartment.

To invite Mike to the player's apartment. The conditions of 6-1 must be completed first.

Quest6-5: Jam with Mike a couple of times.

Play music with Mike. You must complete conditions 6-6 through 6-8 first.

Quest6-6: You need a piano, a microphone and a guitar for the jam-session.

Buy a piano (or a keyboard).

Quest6-7: Move the microphone closer to the piano (or vice versa).

Place the piano with the microphone and guitar from Quest4.

Quest6-8: Improve your guitar playing skills.

Increase the Creativity skill (with guitar icon) to level three.

Quest7: Party Time!

Quest7-1: Buy a disco ball, a few sets of party lights and a couple of concert speakers.

Buy a disco ball (large, medium, or small, whichever you want), a pair of prom lights, and a pair of concert speakers.

Purchase a disco ball (large, medium or small, any one will do), a few sets of party lights and a couple of concert speakers.

Quest7-2: You'll need your microphone, amplifier and guitar and a piano for Mike.

Quest4 and Quest6 purchases (including guitars) are automatically completed as long as they are all reserved.

Quest7-3: Set up the living room with these items.

Set up everything purchased by Quest4, Quest6, and Quest7 (including the guitar at the beginning) in the living room.

Quest7-4: Invite guests. Make sure that all your friends are there.

Invite all your friends from the player's phone address book to the apartment. You must complete Condition 7-5 first.

Quest7-5: You've got to become acquainted with more people to invite them.

Make at least three friends at the bar. To make a new friend, simply bring the NPC's friendship value up to a certain level. Once a friend is made, the NPC's avatar will appear in the player's phone's address book.

Quest 7-6: Start the party by performing your music.

After completing conditions 7-3 and 7-4, select either the guitar or the microphone to play music with Mike, and then select the love of your life - Anna (Josh), of course. That completes all the tasks!