What do quick weight loss exercises for men in the office look like? What are the health care tips?

What do rapid weight loss exercises for men in the office look like?

(1) Maintain a spine-stabilizing posture.

The first step is to step upright, straighten your arms forward, clasp your hands, and then slowly raise your head upward. Tilt your head backward, then gently rotate to the left and right. Rotate forward again, slowly lower your arms, still holding your hands firmly, then lower them back to their original position and do the same 10 times.

Step 2:Stand straight, arms flat forward, and slowly raise your right leg forward, then retract it and return it to its original position. Switch to the left leg and do 5 times for each leg.

Step 3: Stand up straight, arms hanging naturally at your sides, slowly raise your right knee to its maximum, bend your torso, tilt your head forward, and hug your legs to your chest with both hands, then return to your original position. Switch to the left knee and do this five times alternately.

Step 4:Stand up straight, hold opposite arms with both hands, and slowly bend your body forward, left and right, then return to the original position for five reps.

(2) Firm up the fishy odor, back and stomach.

Step 1:Drum your body, straighten your hands, lean your upper body forward without your hands on the ground, and relax with your knees slightly bent. Return to the original upright position and repeat 10 times.

Second step:Sit up straight in a chair without handles, hold the chair with both hands, lift your right leg, straighten it forward, lift your leg, and repeat 10 times for both left and right legs. Step back and lift the right and left legs forward at the same time, do 10 times. Straighten both legs forward, move up and down alternately, do 10 times.

(3) Strengthen your arms.

Step 1:Stand straight, put your arms on both sides of your body, slowly raise them so that your palms meet above your head, then turn your palms outward, let your arms straighten and rest on both sides of your body, then return to the original position. Repeat this action 10 times.

Step 2: Stand up straight and stretch your arms upward so that your palms are 30cm apart at the top of your head, then rotate your palms backward and clench your fists. Let your arms slowly descend back to their original position and repeat 10 times.

Health Knowledge:

1, the way to keep your back straight

Now the life of more and more stressful people, many people have the habit of hunching, just do not realize. A hunchback gives a less confident and energetic appearance. If you have a hunchback for a long time, it not only affects your aesthetic appearance, but also leads to deformation of the bones caused by long-term hunchback, resulting in wear and tear of the cartilage of the vertebral body, and compression of the nerves by long bone spurs.

2, the following are some ways to improve a mild hunchback:

Stand with your back against the wall: from the back of your head to your shoulders, hips, and heels, stick to the wall. Make this movement a daily habit for at least a few minutes at a time to get used to the feeling of holding your head up. Look in the mirror:Check your posture often to remind yourself to keep your head up. Do a chest expansion exercise:Reach your hands behind your back with your fingers facing backward and your palms facing each other. Make this a habit of practicing every day for 510 minutes at a time. Maintain proper sitting posture:Try not to sit on the couch, as the loose sand will make you want to slump down on it. And sit only in the front third of the chair to keep your back straight and avoid hunching over.