The space step is divided into four types:
(Tip: the distance of the slide is not too long when you first learn, according to the ability to determine the later learning can be adjusted at will).
Backward slide (level 1): the most basic action in the space step
Analysis: I. Slide out of the first step:
1. feet about 5 centimeters away from the parallel stand;
2. back tiptoe (according to personal habits);
3. the other foot backward (tiptoe feet in place to help push back, sliding out of the foot of all the palms of the foot to the ground);
2. Change feet: (at this time the foot type is: one foot in front of the tiptoe, one foot in the back of the foot next to the ground)
4. Tiptoe foot step down, to slide out of the foot; back slide foot tiptoe, to tiptoe;
three. Slide out step 2:
5. Same as above, slide out foot pushed back, tiptoe in place to help push back, slide out foot all feet next to the ground;
IV. Continuous:
6. Please repeat the above actions, pay attention to consistency, beginners can take their time.
Side Slide (Level 2): michael's own sliding method based on back slide
Analysis: i. Slide out the first step:
1. feet outside the eight horizontal stand, slightly wider than shoulder width;
2. one toe tiptoe (according to personal habits);
3. the other foot to the foot in the same direction, tiptoe foot down on the booster (push the left foot to the left, push the right foot to the right);
2. Change feet: (at this time the foot type is: one foot in the left, one foot in the right, the same as the start)
4. foot type changed to the inner eight, sliding out of the foot on tiptoe, turn to tiptoe; tiptoe lifting up the tip of the foot, the heel of the foot to the ground, turn to slide out of the foot;
5. slide out of the foot at this time the heel of the foot on the ground, with the heel of the foot to the direction of the other foot sliding to the tiptoe toes to exert force, to help, the side of the slide, close to the outside of the eight after the change (the two feet are close to each other) Degree according to the actual situation);
Three. Slide out the second step:
6. Same as above, the other foot to the foot in the same direction to push, tiptoe down to help (push the left foot to the left, push the right foot to the right);
four. Continuous:
7. Please repeat the above actions, pay attention to consistency, beginners can take their time.
Slip in place (level 3): michael's own slip based on the back slip
Analysis: i. Slide out the first step:
1. Stand parallel to the ground with your feet about 5 centimeters apart;
2. Kick one foot forward next to the ground, slightly less than a foot away, immediately retract it and stand on tiptoe;
3. Stand on tiptoe and stomp down, with your foot next to the ground, and as you stomp down, push your sliding foot backward about a foot away;
II. Change feet:
4. Slide out foot forward next to the ground kicked out, slightly less than a foot away, immediately retracted, and tiptoe, turn to tiptoe, at this time the tiptoe has been the palm of the foot next to the ground, turn to slide out of the foot;
three. Slide out the second step:
5. Same as above, tiptoe down, palms next to the ground, step down at the same time, slide out the foot pushed back about a foot distance;
IV. Continuous:
6. Please repeat the above movements, pay attention to consistency, beginners can take their time.
Spinning slide (level four): also known as puppet spinning, michael in the back slide on the basis of self-created slide
analysis: i. Slide out the first step:
1. . Stand parallel with your feet about 5cm apart;
2. Slide your right foot forward on tiptoe to the tip of your left foot, and exert a little force with your left foot to turn your body a little to the lower right side where you have just been facing, and pay attention to the fact that your face is facing upward to the left at this time (front side: ↑, direction of exertion: ↘, direction of your face:);
Two. Change feet:
3. At this time, relying on inertia, the tips of both feet are lifted, the heels land on the ground, turn to the left for a short period of time, and the feet land on the ground;
three. Slide out the second step:
4. Same as above, the right foot tiptoe forward to slide to the left foot toes, left foot slightly force, so that the body to their just facing the lower right to rotate a small section, pay attention to this time the face towards the upper left (front: ↑, the direction of force: ↘, the direction of the face:);
four. Continuous:
7. Please repeat the above actions, pay attention to consistency, beginners can take their time;
8. After the foot movements are skillful, you can add the movements of the hands, shoulders and head, when sliding down to the right, the head, hands, and shoulders do the movement of squeezing to the right;
9. Spinning slip is more difficult to understand with words, it is recommended that you watch the Smooth by michael Criminal (criminal master) mv, concert to learn.
Note: sustained slide:
A few details to keep the slide successful:
1. : When sliding backward, it will cause the center of gravity to tilt backward due to inertia, so please keep the center of gravity of your body tilted slightly forward to solve this problem (the amount of forward tilt depends on the actual situation);
2.. : It is crucial to have a pair of shoes that can be slipped, such as board shoes and cloth shoes, which are suitable for the beginner to slip, and can also be used in the later stage (slip shoes need to be re-sharpened after they are just bought or washed, it is recommended to walk on the street and step on the dust).
3. : can slip on the floor, such as tile floors, wooden floors, provided that there is no water, with dust effect is best (I have tried to go to the plaza when it rains to slip, very cool ~);
4. : Can have a heart of immense love for Michael, Michael will bless those who love him.