"Aloha Heja He" - Achim Reichel
Included on the album "Melancholchol" released on June 12, 1991 by Sony Music's Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG). on the album Melancholie und Sturmflut, released on June 12, 1991, under Sony Music's Bertelsmann Music Group (BMG).
December 2021, "The German newspaper Die Welt says that 30 years ago, the song "Aloha Heja He" (Swedish for cheering up - Ed.), sung by German singer Achim Reichel, topped the music charts in Germany. Now the song is No. 1 on China's Shazam (沙赞) Hot 100 chart.
Hab' die ganze Welt geseh'n
I've seen the whole world
Von Singapur bis Aberdeen
From Singapore to Aberdeen
Wenn du mich fragst wo's am sch?nsten war
You'll have to ask me where's the most beautiful place
Sag' ich Sansibar!
I'd say Sansibar
Es war 'ne harte überfahrt -
That used to be a hard journey
< p>Zehn Wochen nur das Deck geschrubbtTen weeks were afloat in the waves
Hab' die Welt verflucht
I have cursed the world
In den Wind gespuckt
Have spat at the storm
Und salziges Wasser geschluckt!
Also swallowed salty seawater
Als wir den Anker warfen war es himmlische (Ruh')
And when we dropped anchor it was wonderfully calm
Und die Sonne stand senkrecht am Himmel
The sun also shone on us again
Als ich über die Reeling sah
After the winch I saw
Da glaubte ich zu tr?umen -
I thought it was a dream -
Da war'n tausend Boote und sie hielten auf uns zu!!!
That's thousands of ships coming towards us
In den Booten waren m? nner und Frau'n
On the ships stood men and women
Ihre Leiber gl?nzten in der Sonne
Striking in the sunlight
Und sie sangen ein Lied
They sang a song
Das kam mir seltsam bekannt vor
The sound of the song made me feel unusually close
Aber so hab' ich's noch nie geh?rt
But I've never heard it before
Uhhhh, so hab' ich's noch nie geh?rt!
Oh, but I've never heard it before
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey~ (it's Swedish for cheer up)
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he, aloha heja he, aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Ihre Boote machten l?ngsseits fest
Their boats stopped side by side
Und mit dem Wind wehte gel?chter herüber
Laughter came with the wind
Sie nahmen ihre Blumenkr?nze ab
They removed the crown of flowers from their heads
Und warfen sie zu uns herüber
Then threw it to us
Hehhhh, und schon war die Party im Gange!
The revelry has begun
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he, heja he
Hehhhh, und schon war die Party im Gange!
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he, heja he
Ich hab' das Paradies geseh'n
I saw heaven
Es war um neunzehnhundertzehn!
In that 1910
Der Steuermann hatte Matrosen am Mast
The First Mate had the sailors guard the mast
Und den Zahlmeister ha'm die Gonokokken vernascht -
The Quartermaster has suffered a gonococcal infection
Aber sonst war'n wir bei bester Gesundheit!
But other than that we're in good health
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Hey aloha heja he Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja he
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he - aloha heja he Hey
Aloha heja he - aloha heja he, aloha heja . . .
Aloha heja he, aloha heja he, aloha heja he, aloha heja he, aloha heja he, aloha heja he, aloha heja he, aloha heja he