Morning meeting incentive humor game

One, "who is the most adorable beauty" Rules: 1, the host invited a player to the stage, please stand facing the wall. 2, the host explained the rules of the game, told the players to choose the most adorable beauty in the workplace today by answering a series of two choices. 2, the host explains the rules of the game, told the players by answering a series of two choose one of the questions, selected today's workplace the most adorable beauty. 3. The host invites all female colleagues to stand up, and after the players answer the questions, those who are not eligible sit down. 4. Host: "Is the loveliest beauty in your mind taller than 1.62 meters, or less than 1.62 meters?" 5. Moderator: "Does the cutest beauty in your mind have long hair, or short hair?" 6. Moderator: "Does the cutest beauty in your mind have single eyelids, or double eyelids?" 7. Host: "Does the cutest beauty in your mind wear light-colored clothes, or dark-colored clothes?" 8、When there is only one last lady left, the host stops asking questions and asks the contestants to turn around and admire the cutest beauty they have chosen. 9, the host invited the beauty on stage, and the contestant stood side by side facing the audience, giving blessings, awarded souvenirs. 10, Note: The host combined with the site specifics, keep asking questions until there is a lady left.

Second, the "heart to heart" Rules:

1, the host asked each district to select a pair of players on stage (preferably 1 male and 1 female for a pair), the assistant prepared in advance to write the idioms of the white paper (there are a few pairs of players, prepare a few). 2, the host explains the rules of the game, told by the man first look at the idioms on the white paper, and then expressed in body language to the woman to see, the woman guessed the idiom that is the winner. Emphasize: men are only allowed to do the action, not allowed to make a sound; women can guess two idioms at most, if both of them are incorrect, they will be eliminated. 3. The host asks the woman in the first pair of contestants to stand facing the wall, and the assistant opens the white paper and shows the idioms to the man and the audience. 4. The host asks the man to show the idioms he sees to the woman. If he guesses correctly, the pair of contestants is asked to stand on the left side of the host; if he guesses incorrectly, he stands on the right side of the host. The second pair, the third pair, ...... and so on. Personal collection and organization Do not do commercial use

5, the host announced the winners, and asked the head of the class to award souvenirs. 6, alternative four-word idioms examples: dragon fly, dog jump over the wall, fierce tiger downhill, hungry tiger pounces on food, praying mantis catching cicadas, eyebrow to eyebrow, secret eye, look through the autumn water, stride forward, cover up the ears to steal the bell. Individuals collect and organize do not do commercial use

Three, "deer for horses" rules: 1, the host selected eight players who are good at performing on stage (preferably four men and four women). 2, the host explains the rules of the game: the first assistant to perform a set of actions (with a specific meaning, such as carrying the old man across the river) to the first player to see; the first player according to their own understanding of the action performed to the second player to see; the second player and then performed to the third to see,...... Finally, the seventh player performed to the eighth player to see. 3, the host first asked the eighth player: you see the action symbolizes what? Then ask the seventh, sixth, ...... first. 4. The moderator explains the meaning of the game, and then points out that in daily interactions, insufficient communication often leads to a misunderstanding of the other party's meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the learning of communication skills. 5、Note: When the assistant performs the action to the first player, the other players must stand facing the wall; when the first player performs to the second player, the other players must still stand facing the wall; until the last one. In addition, each person is only allowed to perform the action once. Fourth, the "impromptu poetry" personal collection, do not do commercial use

Rules: 1, the host announced that the district as a unit, the competition joint Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty poetry.

2. The host explains the rules of the game: the host first reads out two lines of poetry containing specific words, such as "the light of the moon in front of the bed is suspected to be the frost on the ground" (containing the word "moon"). Then, each district will read out two lines of a poem or word containing the same word in the specified order. If there is a pause, the host and the audience shout "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" to count down, and those who are still unable to join the lines after the completion of the countdown will be eliminated. The one who keeps going until the end wins the game. 3. The host will announce the winning district and ask the district director to come up to the stage to receive the prize. 4、Note: The two lines of poetry are limited to Tang and Song poems. (This game poetry can be replaced by lyrics) Personal collection and organization, do not do commercial use

V. "Painting masters competition"

Rules: 1, the host asked each district to send a player to the stage. 2, the host explains the rules of the game: the contestant blindfolded, drawing their own face on the whiteboard, limited to two minutes; the audience in the district can be prompted, the audience in other districts can be disturbed. 3、Assistant puts cloth on the player's eyes and leads him to the whiteboard; the host gives the command to start and times the game. When the time is up, stop painting and lift the cloth. 4. The host asks the audience to comment on the "best face painting". 5. The host will announce the winner and ask the head teacher to award the prize. 6、Note: Prepare clean cloth in advance.

Six, "subconscious" Rules: 1, each district to send a person to participate. 2, the participants in the blackboard within a minute to write three random idioms. 3, the participants in the blackboard within a minute to write three random idioms.

3, and then by the host to analyze the three idioms are represented by the three stages of life for the first love, hot love, the wedding night, and then look at the three stages of the contestants to describe themselves with what idioms.

Personal collection and organization, do not do commercial use

seven, "working together" (outdoor games)

Rules: 1, each team selected three people to participate in the (two men and one woman).

2, a person (female) of the left and right legs were tied to the other two right and left legs, lined up on the starting line.

3. The race begins with a 10-meter race in a defined area, and the first to reach the finish line wins.

4. The host awards prizes to the winners. Personal collection and organization, do not do commercial use

Eight, "balloon flying" (outdoor games)

Rules: 1, each team to send a person to participate in.

2, each person holding a balloon, lined up on the starting line.

3. At the beginning of the race, the participants will throw the balloon in the air and run 10 meters in the specified area. The balloon can be tapped or kicked to keep it in the air, and it is not allowed to be grasped by hand.

4. The one who reaches the finish line first wins the race, and the one who grabs the balloon with his hand or the one who lands on the ground is eliminated.

5. The host will award prizes to the winners.

9, "image memory" Rules: 1, the host first in order to say the following items: trees, ducks, pyramids, cars, hands, spoons, guns, car tracks, beer.

2. Give everyone three minutes to recall and try to remember these items.

3. The facilitator asks two to three people how they did their memorization. 4、Finally the facilitator tells the answer: all the items are related to the numbers 1-9 for image memory. For example, the tree is like 1, the duck's sketch is like 2, the pyramid is a triangle, the car has 4 wheels, the hand has 5 fingers, the spoon is like 6, the gun's appearance is like 7, the car track is like 8, and the beer's harmonic is 9.

That is, the tree is like 1, the duck is like 2, the pyramid is like 3, the car is like 4, the hand is like 5, the spoon is like 6, the gun is like 7, the car track is like 8, and the beer is like 9. Ten, "murder game" Rules: 1, the preparatory stage:

Everyone sits in a circle (the number of people as few as seven or eight, as many as dozens of people), by a host issued to each person a card, made the good guys, bad guys mark (bad guys accounted for the total number of people of about 1/4), each person only know their own identity.

(As can be seen from each person's random choice of seat, everyone preferred to sit with people they knew well or were close friends with, i.e., they all chose the comfort zone and avoided the pressurized zone.)

2. "Murder" phase:

All people strictly follow the instructions of the moderator:

The moderator said: (1) All people close their eyes.

(2) The bad guys open their eyes. (The bad guys kill one of the good guys in the blink of an eye by frowning at each other)

(3), The bad guys close their eyes.

(4), Everyone opens their eyes. The host announces that someone has been killed.

3. "Want the killer" stage: (also the most enthusiastic and exciting stage of this game)

First, the killed person accuses the killer and gives evidence, the killed person can give evidence from the subtle sound, movement or intuition, and then, everyone will have a full discussion.

It's like an intense brainstorming session, with this mixed group of bad guys and good guys trying to bring the bad guys to justice.

At the end of the day, the one with the most good guys and bad guys left wins.

Eleven, "holding the world" Rules: 1, so that all the staff shoulders on shoulders in a circle, or stand in a row.

2. The host stands in the center of the stage.

3, announced the rules of the game, for example, I said 5, we should quickly come together as a combination of 5 people 5 people, the 5 people to hold tight, no outsiders to intrude; said 9, to come together as a combination of 9 people.

4, each time, please be extruded out of the Bureau of the person to stand aside.

5, team members are squatting down, one, two, three to see which group get up fast.

6. After a few plays, ask the two people who have always been held in the team to come up.

7, the host invited out of the game and not out of the game talk about feelings; please get up the fastest team to talk about feelings, according to what they say, summarize the feelings after the game. Twelve, "live imitation show" Rules: 1, the host invited 5-6 participants and a guest performer on the stage.

2, first by the guest performer to demonstrate the content to be imitated. For example: a piece of Huangmei opera, a dance, etc..

3. Next, the participants will imitate the performance one by one.

4. The audience will vote for the best imitation award.

Thirteen, "insinuation" Rules: 1, the host invited 3-4 participants to the stage.

2. The questioned stand with their backs to the whiteboard.

3. The facilitator writes topics on the whiteboard, such as: going to the toilet, falling in love, taking a shower and other daily activities.

4. The moderator pushes the whiteboard across to face the audience.

5. The presenter asks the following questions: 1) Is this something you would like to do?

2) How many times a day do you like to do it?

3) Do you like to do it alone or with someone?

(4) Do you like to do it during the day or at night?

(5) Do you like to do it at home or outside?

For each question, the respondent must choose one of the answers. At the end, the moderator asks the answerer to look at the theme on the board himself, and the one with the funniest answer wins. Fourteen, add words to the game Rules: 1, the host will be a \ "mouth \" written on the board, and then the names of each group will be arranged to write on the board.

2. Method of play: Add two strokes to \"mouth\" to form another character.

3, each group as a competition unit, starting with the first group, can not be repeated, within 30 seconds to say, if the designated time can not be said, or repeated with the previous, that is eliminated. The last remaining group is the winning group.

4, Note: The purpose of this game is not for which group to win, but the real embodiment of the team's strength, but also an accurate reflection of the brainstorming.

Fifteen, "cha-cha-cha dance" Rules: 1, choose two excellent players (male and female each 1 person) to lead the dance.

2. The basic steps will be taught by each of the men and women.

3. Men and women pair up to practice the basic steps without music background until they are skillful.

4. The music will play the second part of the world famous cha-cha-cha from "Bunny Dance", and everyone will **** dance together.

5, Note: cha-cha-cha dance is an elegant posture, music and cheerful dance, very suitable for collective **** dance. And because there is no physical contact between men and women, it is more suitable for performance at the end of the training party. When all the trainees *** with the hot dance cha-cha-cha, the atmosphere of the party will also reach a climax at the same time. Personal collection, do not do commercial use

Sixteen, "body mimicry show" Rules: 1, the host prepared in advance note, which were written from 1-9 numbers.

2. The host invites 5-6 participants to the stage and draws lots to decide the order of performance.

3. The host will ask each participant to physically represent the number they drew in the order of performance.

4. The audience will vote for the best performer. Seventeen, "eye contact" Rules: 1, the host prepared a set of words and the corresponding action (the more interesting the better).

2, please 3 men and 3 women on the stage, cross-arrangement into a line.

3. The facilitator calls participant No.1 to one side and teaches him the content and movements.

4. When trainee #1 is familiar with it, he returns to his position and just does the movements to #2 without explanation.

5. When trainee #2 comprehends it (maybe it's better if he doesn't), he continues to perform it to #3, and so on, until he passes on to the last one.

6. The last trainee is asked to say what he understands, and so on up to trainee #1.

7. The referee is asked to select an outstanding performer to be awarded a prize.

Eighteen, "magic - to see who is a miser" Rules: 1, prepared beforehand, 8 opaque porcelain cups with handles, in the bottom of the cups coated with color powder, in the cups put 2-3 coins.

2, the host folded hundred-dollar bills hidden in the sleeve fold, high-five, show the audience, no money.

3, after a quick action to take out the hidden bills, is also known as magic tricks. (Try to be able to bluff, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the game).

4, explain the rules of the game, in a magic way to see who is a miser.

5, the host invited 8 players to the stage, please stand to the audience. Assistants to help the players blindfolded, holding a cup, teasing the coins to make a sound, to confirm that there are coins,

6, announced the rules of the game, the point is that the players to guard the coins in the porcelain cup. According to the host of the question to make the corresponding action, each action should be the first to touch the bottom of the cup to start, to cover the mouth of the cup to the end of the hand.

7, the host: "where is the nose?" . Players first touch the bottom of the cup - touch the nose - cover the mouth of the cup - shake the cup to confirm that the coin is in the (nose color)

8, the host: "Where's the face? , the players first touch the bottom of the cup - touch the face - cover the mouth of the cup - shake the cup to confirm that the coin is in (face color)

9, so repeated several times, and finally selected the best magician. Individuals collect and organize do not do commercial use

10, Note: the host combined with the specific circumstances of the scene, constantly asking questions, constantly to the presence or absence of coins oriented questions to attract the attention of the players, to ensure a better effect of the game. Nineteen, "Who's next?" Rules: 1, the host asked each district to select three players on stage (best to ensure that there can be more than 12 contestants).

2, the host first of all the players in formation training (imitating the counselor in order to create fun), reported the number of each contestant to have their own serial number. 3, explain the rules of the game, by the host randomly called out a serial number (such as 5), the player (5) out loud and immediately back to the end of the queue, at the same time by the player (5) randomly called out any serial number (such as 12), the player (12) out loud and immediately back to the end of the queue, and at the same time, the player (12) once again randomly called out any serial number, and so on and so forth.

4. During the process, the following players are eliminated: A. Those who are slow in responding to the call of their serial number. B. Those who call their serial number wrongly, such as calling their own serial number or a non-existent serial number, etc.


5, the game process will continue to be wrong, the queue will become shorter and shorter, until about 5 people, the host announced the end of the game, and asked the head of the class issued souvenirs to the queue of the surviving winners. XX, "collective story" Rules: 1, the host selects 8 players with good language skills to the stage.

2, explain the rules of the game: is to ask everyone together *** with to make up a story, each person at a time to say a word. Hint: everyone must choose those interesting and original words as much as possible.

3, and then began to create a collective story, play language solitaire game. The facilitator starts with something like, "On the evening of October 30, 2002

......," and the contestants go on to say it in turn, continuing and letting the story take its natural course. 4 rounds later, the first story is told.

4. Now start the story over again and start with a new requirement, this time the words said must meet the following characteristics: A. Easy to understand B. Round out the words said by the person in front of you as much as possible. 4 rounds of rounding off results in the second story.

5. Facilitator's questions: A. Which story is better? B. Did anyone in the game have the thought, "No, that's not what I meant" (everyone raises their hand) C. Did anyone see that everyone used their collective wisdom to create a completely new and totally unanticipated idea that would work well for the task D. How do you feel? 6. The facilitator explains the moral of the game. If everyone tries to make others feel good and round up for them, what will happen to your team? What insights do you gain from this game about how your team operates? What do you do when someone disagrees or doesn't understand your ideas? Have faith in the collective wisdom - trust that everyone is moving in a right direction, even if you don't see it yet. XXI. "Do you like the animals in the zoo" Rules: 1. The facilitator announces that the game will be played on a district basis. 2. Explain the rules of the game: Suppose you are visiting the zoo and you see all kinds of animals. Let's use our brain power to tell what animals we see. First of all, the host will start, for example, "District 1 has four legs", District 1 will immediately say the four-legged animal "tiger", and then immediately say "District 3 has two legs", District 3 will only then say the two-legged animal "tiger". Then immediately say "Zone 3 2 Legs", and Zone 3 only follows with "Eagle", a 2-legged animal. All animals can only be used once, can not be repeated

3, so repeated, if there is a pause in the process, the host and the audience together shouted "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" countdown, after the completion of the still can not be linked to the eliminated. Has been insisted on to the last district won.

4, the host announced the winning district, the district director on stage to receive the award.

5. Note: The moderator should collect and organize the types of animals and the classification of 4-legged and 2-legged animals beforehand. Twenty-two, "virtual auction" Rules: 1, the host explains the rules of the game: this is an auction, issued to everyone 1000 yuan each and a list of items to be auctioned, in order to ensure that the game has a certain element of competition, it is best to ensure that the auction items and the number of people involved in the ratio of no more than 2: 1. 2, first ask the players to browse through all the items auctioned roughly and be able to make their own initial choices. Then arrange their budgets to see how many items they really want to own for how much money. Each person will only have $1,000, and the items will be auctioned with a $100 markup each time. People can split their money between several items or spend it on one item, it's up to them. Of course, each item brings benefits as well as negatives to the owner.

3. Then the auction begins, and its rules are: A. The reserve price for each item starts from $100, B. Each increase in price can only be $100, C. Bids must be made by raising your hand, and D. After three confirmations, the item will be sold at the highest price, with no remorse allowed.

4. When all the items are sold, end the auction. 5, the host summarizes: A. In the auction process, what are your feelings and thoughts? What did you observe from the others? B. What items did you really want to have very much but did not get in the end? Why didn't you get it?C. Is there any item that you were afraid to bid on, and why?D. In the game you just spent imaginary money to buy what you wanted, but what kind of risk would you have taken if you wanted the same thing in real life (sense of accomplishment, possible humiliation, loss of status, betrayal of family, money, power ......)

Items on the auction list: a 200% increase in salary, appointing you as department manager, skills training, 2 months paid vacation per year, having the best computer, good coworker relations, a good boss, and owning your own farm. ...... Personal collection, do not use for commercial purposes

1.Folding newspapers: place 2 sheets of 4 open newspaper on the ground, each newspaper on the station 5 people (a group), each group to send a representative and each other guessing (rock-paper-scissors), the losing team must be folded under the feet of the newspaper and then stand on it (all feet are not allowed to touch the ground) until one of the parties can not stand up. 2. Head to head: the organizer to prepare a longer and tongue-twisting words (such as: two points is ice three points is clear four points is a point two points is cold three points is clarified four points is steaming how many such words know), each group (each group of not less than 12 people) to send a representative to go up to the silent memory of the sentence, go back in the prescribed time through the "head to head" from the first person to the last person, the first person to the last person to convey. The first person to convey to the last person, and then by the last person will read out what he heard, and then finally announced by the host of the original words. 3. Holding hands: a player is blindfolded, and another player from the same group holds one of his hands as he walks along a flat road or a bumpy road. ...... After the blindfold is lifted, each player from the same group shakes the player's hand, and he finds out who is the one who held his hand just now. 4. Watchman's Bridge: a group of two (usually a man and a woman), the two alternately two identical rectangular boards on the ground to the destination, no one's feet are not allowed to step on the board outside, the priority to reach the end of the person for the win.

5. Wind in the grass: by a player standing in the center of the circle, the other players to a radius of 1 meter facing the center of the circle stood in a circle, among the players in the body of the taut backward slanting, and to the heel of the ground, around the players through the hands of the shoving action to make it rotate up. Personal collection, do not do commercial use

6. Ultra-low altitude flight: all participants in the collective drilling through the horizontal height of the horizontal pole, the body can only be backward, can not be leaning forward, will be knocked out of the horizontal pole touch down.

7. Exchange dance partner: by an odd number of people to participate in the first dance Disco, the music suddenly switched to a slow tempo, everyone goes to grab a dance partner, the single person was eliminated, but not off the stage, after a few moments, the host shouted "exchange partner", including the previously eliminated people at the same time once again to grab a partner, there must be a person was eliminated, twice eliminated. One person is eliminated, and the game starts again after the two people who have been eliminated twice get off the stage.

8. Three people run with a balloon: each group of three people, each group to a balloon as a game equipment, three people back to back, hand in hand, the balloon will be clamped in the middle of the three people to run back, the process of the balloon is not allowed to fall to the ground, not allowed to squeeze, and not allowed to be blown away by the time to calculate the results. 9. Lucky Guessing: the host prepared a number in advance, and announced a range of people to participate in the field in the range of guessing, every time the host guessed a number in the range of guessing, and announced a range of guessing, every time the host guessed a number in the range of guessing, and announced a range of guessing. range of guessing, every guess the host will correspondingly narrow the range, who unfortunately guessed must perform the program.

10. Weather forecast: light rain patting shoulders, medium rain patting legs, heavy rain applauding, stormy weather stomping feet. First, you clap yourself, then you clap each other in groups of two or three. Comparison of different effects, 30 seconds to think, the role of collaboration. Do it again. Personal collection and organization Do not do commercial use