Truth or Dare questions and penalties must be very nasty and bad penalties!


2、洗澡到一半没水了怎么办? (

3. If you could turn back time, what time would you want to go back to and why?

4.Who do you care about most in the opposite sex? (Besides family or boyfriend/girlfriend)

5. What do I look like to you? (can be the previous player, decided by the host)

6. What gift would you most like to receive on Valentine's Day?

7. What would you do if a very ugly member of the opposite sex rushed in while you were in the shower (honestly, hopefully without resorting to extreme tactics)?

8, Which part of your body is the most sensitive?

9. Who is the most trustworthy in your mind?

10, How many people are you in love with at the same time?

11、If you go out with your favorite person and run into your ex's boyfriend/girlfriend, how will you behave?

12、Which time did you cry the most? Why?

13、If I have a fight with you one day, what will you do?

14, If you had to choose to be a character in a movie, who would you choose?

15, How far would you be willing to sacrifice for love?

16, When was the last time you laughed from the bottom of your heart?

17, The most humiliating thing about yourself?

18, Age of first kiss?

19, Name the worst lie you've ever told?

20, Under what circumstances would you run naked down a crowded street?