To say that the belly dance in the most "enjoy thin" action, of course, is non-Ximi is none other than. Continuous ten to fifteen minutes of sago, can let you have a sweaty pleasure. Belly dance sago another advantage is that, do not need a lot of space, as long as you are willing, in situ can practice, can be said to be low-cost, high-efficiency weight loss exercise. Now, let me introduce you to four of the most enjoyable thin belly dance sago -
Knee sago
Effects: Knee sago has been known as the "fat dumping machine" title, to get rid of thigh fat, abdominal fat.
Practice: natural upright, heavy center center, knee forward bending, backward tapping, alternating between the two knees, the beginning of the slow practice, gradually accelerated.
Tips: thigh muscles and abdomen should be relaxed during the action, and there is a feeling of flinging; both knee amplitude and speed should be even and consistent.
Hip sago
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Effectiveness: Hip sago is the "fat dumping machine No. 2", mainly to help get rid of the excess fat in the buttocks, the consumption of calories. Practice: both sides of the gluteus maximus muscle alternately tighten, relax, drive the hip bone up and down swing, tailbone left and right swing. Start practicing slowly and gradually speed up.
Tips: the faster the speed, the more relaxed the hips.
Leg Muscle Sago
Effectiveness: Tighten thighs
Practice: Thigh muscles are highly tightened, leading to back and forth trembling of the knees (similar to a cold shiver). Tips: you can put the center of gravity on one leg, single-leg practice, or you can center of gravity, alternating legs trembling.
Choo choo sago
Effectiveness: trotting sago, rapid mobilization of the whole body, consumption of calories, firm calves.
Practice: carried out on tiptoe, right foot on the ground when the right crotch upward, left foot on the ground when the left crotch upward, alternating between the two sides, the speed from slow and fast.
Tips: Don't forget to move your hips when you speed up the speed of your feet. To use the movement of the feet to drive the hips up and down, to achieve the best exercise effect.
What muscles are used to do the Hagallah sami
For most belly dance beginners, the Hagallah sami is often a difficult point. Because this movement is composed of several single movements in succession, then, Hagallah sago is composed of which movements, and which muscles need to be used?
If broken down, the Hagallah sago consists of four beats, so let's take a look at each of them one by one to see how each action works --
Hagallah sago ___ the first beat
Movement: the right hips twisted and swung forward, while the right foot is on the ground, and the right hip is downward. foot is on the ground and the right hip is pulled downward. Analysis: The difficulty of this movement is that the right hip is twisted and pulled down at the same time. The twisting of the hips requires the use of the lateral lumbar muscles, so how can we get the right hip to pull down? --The key is not the right psoas, but the left inner thigh adductor. We need to tighten the left inner thigh adductor upward, so that the right hip will pull downward, and the right foot will naturally step to the ground at the same time.
Hagallah Simeon ___ second beat
The second beat is an empty beat, just keep the action of the first beat.
Hagallah Simeon ___ third beat
Movement: the right hip pushes outward and flat, and the weight shifts to the right leg.
Analysis: The point of force for this movement is also in the inner thigh adductors, but this time it's not the left side, but the right side of the inner thigh adductors. When the right adductor tightens, it pushes the hip bone on the same side to the side, and the center of gravity shifts to the right leg.
Hagallah Simeon ___ fourth beat
Action: left hip lift
Analysis: in the third beat, the body's center of gravity has been completely shifted to the right leg, at this time to make the left hip lift, you need to be in front of the abdominal obliques of the strength of the muscles, in addition to the need to use the back of the lumbar erector spinae muscle and the lumbar muscles of the strength of the same side of the crotch will be pulled upward when tightening the tightening of these muscles. will be lifted upward.
After all, the difficulty of Hagallah Simeon lies in the combined use of the hip, hip and waist muscles, so in order to practice Hagallah Simeon, you need to do a single exercise in which the hips go up and down, side to side, and twisting and swinging are performed in order to achieve a fine and powerful Hagallah Simeon!
How to do a good belly dance Hip Shimmy
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Hip Shimmy (Hip Shimmy) is the fastest, the most show and test the power of the hip and crotch of a kind of Shimmy. The rapid shaking of the hips not only promotes metabolic circulation, which is beneficial to your health, but also burns fat quickly and helps you achieve weight loss. The following three principles can help you do a good belly dance hip sago -
Principle one: hair force accurate
Hip sago used in the muscle is the gluteus maximus, the two sides of the gluteus maximus alternately up and down to shake the formation of hip sago. At the very beginning of the exercise, you need to put more conscious force on the gluteal muscles and keep your knees slightly bent.
Principle 2: Relaxation
Almost all satsumas, except muscle satsumas, follow the principle of relaxation. Relaxation here includes not only muscular relaxation, but also mental relaxation. Hip sago is no exception, only when the hip muscles are completely relaxed, you can make a loose and powerful hip sago. In addition, the mind should also be relaxed, do not let the strings in the head too tight, the spirit of a tense, the muscles certainly do not obey, even if the shake up, but also can not last.
Principle three: practice practice practice practice
The famous tribal belly dance instructor, Mr. Li Meilin, said, "Good Shimmy skills is not only the average movement, but also to be stable and long-lasting". To achieve stable and lasting hip Shimmy, the most important thing is to have patience with yourself, if you have mastered the correct method of power, then the next thing is to practice practice practice practice.