Tips on how to chat and communicate with your elders: listen to your elders, listen more, chat with your elders, speak slowly, speak clearly, avoid fashionable words, use body language, be patient, ask your elders for advice, and brush up on your presence.
1, listen to the elders chat, listen more
and elders chat, don't talk about yourself, especially some technology products, elders do not understand and not interested. When you're old, you like to be nostalgic, and you especially like to talk about what happened in the past. As a junior, you can listen to your ears, if you can properly insert a few words, the elders feel that you love to listen to his deeds, the impression on you can be better.
2, and elders chat, the speed of speech to slow
and elders chat, do not say too fast, too fast to understand, let you say a few more times you will be annoyed. Modern people have been accustomed to that kind of fast-paced life, should be appropriate to relax themselves, chat with the elders itself is a kind of emotional exchanges, may wish to slow down the pace, leisurely through this wonderful time.
3, clear articulation, avoid fashionable words
When speaking with the elders, but also pay attention to the articulation of clear, avoid speaking the most popular words or network terms, such as: happy to run, the power of the flood, Ge You lie and so on some of the vocabulary, these elders are likely not to understand, and try to use their own local language to speak with the elders, so that elders sound energized.
4, the use of body language
When speaking with the elders, you also need to use some body language, such as: pulling the elders' hands, in the praise given to the elders, timely thumbs up your thumb, or in the elders to speak to the excitement of the time, coughing, you can reach out to the elders in time to pat their backs, to assist their coughing phlegm.
5, to maintain patience
and elders must maintain patience to communicate, older people will always be rambling, sometimes memory things are lost, obviously and you have said N times something, a moment and forget, your ears have to accept once again. Please understand this kind of situation, who will have the time of day, respect for the elderly is to respect the future of their own.
6, more to elders to ask for advice, more brushing presence
If there are things they can not get, be sure to ask for advice with the elderly. Older people after retirement life will become long and boring. Nowadays, many old people are getting depression is because they are too lonely, feel that they now have no use, the state does not want them to work, and their children do not want them to do housework. If you often discuss problems with the elderly, the elderly will be able to find their own sense of existence.