San Andreas Chassis Car Racing Dancing Keys

PC keyboard operation, controller operation.

PC keyboard operation (default settings): acceleration is w, brake is s, left turn is A, right turn is D, handbrake is spacebar, handbrake turn is hold down spacebar and then press A or D, jumping is left Ctrl (hold down) + spacebar, skidding is left Shift (hold down) + A or D, and to perform the chassis dance is to press 2 (numeric keypad).

Controller operation (default settings): acceleration is right trigger, braking is left trigger or X (Xbox controller) or arrow keys down (PlayStation controller), turning left is left joystick to the left, turning right is left joystick to the right, handbrake is A (Xbox controller) or X (PlayStation controller), handbrake turn is holding down the handbrake and then pressing down the left joystick left or right, jumping is left trigger (hold down) + A (Xbox controller) or arrow keys up (PlayStation controller), skidding is hold down B (Xbox controller) or O (PlayStation controller) + left joystick left or right, and doing the chassis dance is press down B (Xbox controller) or the circle button (PlayStation controller).