How do beginners learn the basic steps of the ghost dance?

Learning skills

Shuffle dance steps, is through the core of the two movements of the rapid switch to complete a kind of improvisation, so from the beginning of learning shuffle, need to practice the two basic dance steps, RunningMan (Running), T-Step (Side Slide).

After learning for a while, we will find that it is not easy to master these two basic steps, and we need to practice a lot to make the movement smooth and powerful, and it is recommended to practice slowly in the first one or two months, in order to skillfully memorize the movement, and be too anxious to play the opposite effect.

Dance styles

The difference between the evolution of any shuffle style can be categorized as the difference between the height of the raised leg and the gliding distance in the basic movements. Those who are skilled in the basics are free to change the RunningMan approach and add unique elements and moves to shape their own style.

Imitation is also a good way to learn the characteristics of other people's shuffles, and then change them and add your own characteristics to create a different shuffle.

Because the classification of styles has always been very controversial, the following is only a brief list of the broad categories of styles, not including individual styles. The following is a brief list of broad style categories, not including personalized styles.


Dance Development

In 1992, after confusion over the name of the dance in other parts of the world, Australians began to refer to the dance as the Shuffle, and the name was confirmed. 1980s in Melbourne, Australia, the emergence of some of the underground dance, with its individuality of the dance steps coupled with strong music and individual costumes is extremely attractive. The dance steps, coupled with the powerful music and individual costumes, are extremely appealing to the eye.

In December 2002, an Australian newspaper featured Shuffle on its front page, which was the first time Shuffle appeared in the mainstream media, and then became popular in Malaysia and Brunei (where Shuffle competitions were held) before spreading to the United Kingdom, Germany, and other countries. It has been popularized worldwide through the Internet and media outlets such as UrbanDance.Cn Choreography.

In 2005, a DVD documentary was published to introduce Melbourne Trapeze Dance.

September 6, 2008, the Australian media network10 reported Shuffle this kind of hard style dance (HSD: HardStyleDance); in November, "SoYouThinkYouCanShuffle" dance show on youtube. youtube.

In 2009, SoYouThinkYouCanShuffle fan gatherings and competitions took place in Australia and Germany.


Baidu Encyclopedia - Ghost Steps