Exercise changes color and shape
The biggest killer for men and women nowadays is laziness. After people reach middle age, because the body metabolism level is low, not exercise, become greasy, big belly, look very old. First of all, we have to change our body shape, insist on jogging 3-4 days a week, run every other day, run for more than half an hour at a time. I ran for more than 8 months, from 150 pounds to more than 120 pounds, the person's spirit is much better, the color is much better, looks really young. The most important thing is that running cured my rhinitis, which is an unexpected gain, and I don't get sleepy at work through running.
Dietary anti-aging
The best way to maintain health is not to eat health products but to eat a simple diet. We usually eat less greasy, spicy food, less sweets, more vegetables and fruits to achieve nutritional balance. Note that diet is a very crucial part, we have to pay a lot of attention to diet, diet is related to the state of health when people get older. If you usually eat a light diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, when you get older, your health level will definitely be much better than if you eat greasy and spicy food every day. Only a healthy body, we have the money to be young.
Good work and rest, healthy mind
You will find that those who have a regular work and rest schedule and a good mindset will be more youthful. Because regular work and rest will affect the level of hormones in our body, people who stay up late every day have dull skin, black bags under the eyes, swollen eyes, greasy hair, and no spirit. These are consuming our vitality. Adopting the habit of not staying up late is an important and indispensable step towards looking younger. Don't disbelieve the bad effects of staying up late, you may not feel it when you're young, but when you're older, you'll realize that all the various consequences of staying up late are coming out.
A healthy mindset is also crucial, and a good one will make you look younger. I've seen a number of foreign research papers, probably the study is to let people divided into several groups, they eat and drink the same work and rest, and then each group of people every day mood is not the same, the best after a year of observation, the mentality of a good optimistic people in the handling of the more sharp, they are in a better state of mind and the temperament is also better. So a good state of mind is very important.
There is an old saying that medicine is better than food, food is better than movement. So usually we have to move more. Walking is fine, running is fine, in short, must be more exercise.