Lying on the bed, eyes closed, but the brain is like a clockwork, can not stop for a moment, think of how the youngest brother could have forgotten my birthday. Detailed description fragment 3: he just left, I couldn't wait to rip open the wrapping paper: it was a set of paintbrushes, I thought for a long time. The bottom of the box was signed with the English names of Brother Young and Sister Ling. I picked and chose the most eye-catching lime green color, unwrapped the brush, and began to scribble with one stroke after another until I had buried Ling's name completely.
Detailed description fragment 7: The barn is stacked with plows, hoes and other agricultural tools, leaning neatly against the earth wall, like a row of human shapes. The smell of rust was coming from them. This is my family's barn, a dark and unfathomable space. Granny's spinning wheel still hangs in mid-air, a fine spider's web around the wheels and blades. Evolution saw the spinning wheel as a giant spider, the spider eternally overlooking the top of one's head. As the sunlight faded from the windowpane, all the miscellaneous farm equipment dimmed to a vague outline, and you looked like a row of human shapes. It is almost dark. Acting out his hunger again he ran towards the door and desperately pushed the wooden casement door, he heard two large locks clash, the door was locked shut by dad and could not be pushed. "Let me out. I won't steal the bun and eat it!" Detailed description fragment 4: midterm exam results came out, Mr. Mao held a stack of math papers into the classroom. Originally noisy classroom suddenly quiet even the sound of a needle falling to the ground can be heard ......
The teacher began to report the scores, I thought I was great, the heart of the beautiful, the family seems to have happened something happy, very happy!
When the teacher reported to my score, but let me surprised, should be my score is only 66 points, the original smile mood suddenly became very heavy!
When I went to the podium with a sad face, the teacher said in a loud voice: "Look at your own results are so poor, and all the mistakes caused by carelessness. Do you know what? Your exam this time has made our class lose face, everywhere you go, people will come and ask: 'Eh, Mr. Mao, I heard that your classmate Si Mao only scored 66 points in this exam, she is the smartest student in the whole school, how come she leaned so poorly in this exam?'" Mr. Mao finished these words, the whole class all know my score, are talking and saying: "this person can be really careless it, originally the whole school is famous for good students, now become the whole school is famous for poor students!" ......
Because after this exam lesson, I will be careful to check whatever exams, and then give it to the teacher, so my results have been rising, every exam is the first class!