What is the meaning of Breaking in street dance


Floor dance, breakdance, also translated as (Breakdance, b-boying, b-girl)

Breaking (also translated as Breakdance, b-boying, b-girl) is a kind of skillful street dance with a personal style, and is also the North American street dance It is also the earliest dance style in North American street dance, originating in the Bronx and black neighborhoods of the United States in the 1970s. It is worth noting that most of the early BREAKING dancers were Hispanic-American and African-American, yet their preferred music style greatly influenced hip-hop and rhythm and blues music to this day.

Breaking in a large number of absorbed from Capoeira (Brazilian war dance), gymnastics, Chinese martial arts (from Hong Kong Shaw's films) and other different sports and art forms and movements after the formation of today's Breaking, is divided into TopRock, Footwork, Freeze, Powermove four major elements, a large number of rapid foot movement with hands on the ground. A lot of fast footwork with hands on the ground, various inverted framing movements, and incredibly difficult rotations on the floor or in the air make this dance full of visual impact.


As a representative dance of the traditional Breaking culture, Breaking consists of several different dance elements such as Toprock, Footwork, Powermove, Freeze, Flip, etc. Breaking first appeared in the Bronx, New York. In the Bronx, New York, many DJs with turntables and speakers held a variety of music parties in the streets and formed a trend, gradually more and more people began to get used to dancing in the party music without lyrics in the interlude part, so one of the many DJs named Kool Herc invented a way to put the interlude part of the two turntables together in order to get a longer dance time, and this led to the creation of Break Beat, which is the first dance music in the world. And from that came Break Beat as a form of music. Those who danced during this interlude time became known as Beat Boys, or B Boys, and the dance that B Boys did became known as Breaking, and has since become commercially advertised and popularized as Breaking to this day.

Because of the historical reasons for the independent development of the east and west coasts of the United States, the dance in the hip-hop culture does not have **** the same name, usually we call Hip-Hop Dance. and with the development of hip-hop music, in the 1980s in New York City appeared a new style of dance, people called Hip-Hop (Hip-Hop), and the previous emergence of the breakdance (B-Boying or Breaking). On the west coast of the United States in California (mainly in Los Angeles), in the spirit song (Soul) and crazy gram (Funk) music based on their own dance style, people called crazy gram style dance (Funk Style Dance). Because the dance of hip-hop is divided into these two major factions, so many dancers or the media no longer collectively referred to as Hip-Hop Dance, they call the dance of New York for the new school (New School), or simply called hip-hop; and called the dance of Los Angeles for the Street Dance, the direct translation of the Chinese for the street dance.