Where is Zhuanshuihe Village?

Zhuanshuihe Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Maolan Town, Yunxian County, lincang City, Yunnan Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 530922 1052 15, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 530922. The postal code is 675800, the long-distance telephone area code is 0883, and the license plate number is Yun S. Zhuanshuihe Village is adjacent to Old Village, Lingbing Village, Houshan Village, Shaojie Village, Bohuanhe Village, Mo Ling Village, Xingfu Village, Shi Jing Village, Wenping Village, Niujuanqing Village, Mangzhuo Village, Duoyi Village, Masi Village and Maolan Community.

There are tourist attractions near Zhuanshuihe Village, such as Maolan Tea Horse Road, Manwan Baili Lake Scenic Area in Yunxian County, Manghuai Neolithic Cultural Site, Liangshan Ecological Holiday Tourism, Yunxian Revolutionary Martyrs Monument and so on. There are also some specialties in Yunxian County, such as white papaya, Wang Zi rice noodles, Yongbao winter radish, white papaya, oriole camellia and so on.