Slow three love treaty sister sister stand up fast four go four directions tango there is a very happy do not know the name, only remember a few lines is go go go go slow three: moon boat, yellow rose
Slow three love treaty sister sister stand up fast four go four directions tango there is a very happy do not know the name, only remember a few lines is go go go go slow three: moon boat, yellow rose, the fate of the next life, the tears of the iron window. The slow three: Moon Boat, Yellow Rose, Love in the Next Life, Tears on the Iron Window. Fast three: the last round dance, good man good dream. Medium 3: You at the New Table, Who Lets Who Depend, and What's in the Snow or the Center of the Snow. Slow 4: Unforgettable to old age, Seeking, Waiting with heart. Rumba: love transfer is okay, I don't know about the others. This is a former teacher when I learned to play to me listened to, but also some is I heard others say okay, I do not know how good it is to get it. It's up to you! I hope it won't turn you off.