The most important factor is the age factor. When people reach old age, the secretion of pineal gland hormone that controls sleep will be reduced, and the ability to regulate sleep will be weakened, therefore, older people are more likely to have a prolonged sleep time and a reduced deep sleep time, and the incidence of insomnia will increase significantly compared with that of young people.
At the same time, when people get older, the higher the incidence of various underlying diseases, some of which can affect sleep or can lead to insomnia, such as coughing, palpitations, dyspnea, hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, psychiatric disorders and so on.
Secondly, the environment also has an impact on people's sleep, especially in the summer, the weather is hot, not conducive to sleep. Again, psychological factors can also affect sleep, some people are delicate and sensitive, overthinking, they are prone to insomnia.
Extended information:
p>Nutrients to prevent insomnia
1, vitamin B complex
There are many causes of insomnia, if the culprit is irritability, you can consume more food rich in vitamin B complex. Vitamin B complex can maintain the stability of the nervous system, with a stabilizing effect. If you want to have enough energy to face your busy life and your busy brain, you definitely need B-complex vitamins to help you.
Foods rich in B-complex vitamins: dairy, eggs, meat, vegetables and whole grains.
2, zinc
Zinc is one of the mineral trace elements, although the body's demand for it is not large, but it is to maintain the normal functioning of the physiology of the indispensable nutrients. The main role of zinc is to help growth and development, because it helps the metabolism of the brain nerve cells, so to improve insomnia help. Zinc-rich foods: seafood, meat, whole grains, nuts.
3, calcium
Calcium strengthens the nervous system's conduction response and helps regulate heartbeat and muscle contraction. Adding enough calcium can help stabilize your mood and eliminate stress, which in turn can help you fall asleep.
Foods rich in calcium: green leafy vegetables, milk and its products, dried small fish, shrimp, kiwi fruit, black sesame, etc.
People's Daily Online - elderly "sleep less"? Care, companionship can improve the lack of sleep sense of the elderly
People's Daily Online - the elderly lack of deep sleep 4 types of nutrients to enhance the quality of sleep