When you like something very much, you have no money and economic conditions do not allow it, you need to consider a lot. You should consider whether to tighten your belt after buying it. When you are poor and have no money, you should think twice before you act. Of course, you need to consider shopping when you have money, but you don't have to worry about money as much as you do when you have no money.
The lives of friends around me are very different. The children in our school are well-off, and their personal family conditions may not be so good. Every time they like something, there are many differences between them. This may be the difference in money. If there is no difference, no one will want to be richer. He will only stand still, because this day is no different. It is because of the differences that people want to work hard.
We should do a good job in the present, work hard for our future, change your future through our own ability, change your life trajectory through our own efforts, make our life better with our own strength, and look forward to the future.