All TV Dramas and Movies that Ahn Jae Wook has acted in

Video Dramas (Filmed and Broadcast in Korea)*

1994 "Song of the Blind Bird" (MBC, Korea)

1994.11.20-1998.01.04 "Couple" (Weekend Family Drama, filmed and broadcasted for more than 3 years) (MBC, Korea)

1995 "Creating Songs" (MBC, Korea)

1995.03.13-1996.05.02 "Hotel" (MBC Korea)

1995.10.21-1996.01.14 "War and Love" (MBC Korea)

1996 "Their Embrace". Steamed Salted Mackerel" (MBC Korea)

1997.03.10-1997.05.03 "Star Dream Wonderland" (MBC Korea)

1997.12.02-1998.01.27 "Revenge of the Blood War" (MBC Korea)

1998.11.25-1999.01.21 "Sunflower" ( Chinese translation "Wonderful Hands, Love Heaven") (MBC, Korea)

1999 "Bubble Love" (Chinese translation "Goodbye My Love") (MBC, Korea)

2000.03.01-2000.04.20 "Bad Friends" (MBC, Korea)

2000.11.04-2001.04.22 "Mama, Sister (Chinese CCTV translation "Twin Siblings") (Weekend Family Drama) (MBC, Korea)

November 2001-January 2002 "White Collar Apartment" (China)

2003.06.04-2003.08.07 "Fairy and Liar" (SBS, Korea)

2004.01.01- 2004.02.19 "Born to be a Fate" (MBC, Korea)

2004.09.13-2004.11.02 "OH! Time)※

1998.01.24 ""

1998.05.16 "I'm in Love with My Friend's Sister"

1998.10.03 "Let's Kiss"

2003.04.04 "Sky Garden"

※Theater-Musicals (Korea Performance Time)※ < /p>

1995 "BabyBaby" (Musical)

1996.04.04-1996.04.21 "One and a Half Meters Revolution" (Stage play)

1997.08.07-1997.08.26 "Freedom Like a Butterfly" (Stage play)

1998.09.19- 1998.09.27 "The Gambler and the Lady" (Musical)