Personal advice, don't take never been in a relationship as a bad label. It's also not a psychological problem. Learn to accept your shortcomings and ignore too much gossip from others. If you really want to be in a relationship, start changing now.
I don't think it's a bad thing that you've never been in a relationship, there are some people who are willing to give up a relationship and devote themselves to their work because they are pursuing their own ideas or dreams. That doesn't mean they are not capable of having a great romantic relationship. The so-called barriers to getting out of a relationship are just internal thresholds set by the outside world and by yourself, but in reality it's possible whenever you want to be in a relationship.
Don't take not having been in a relationship as a bad label.
It's true that because of inexperience in relationships, there are many things that you have to do and choose to do and discuss with your partner over a long period of time. There are some groups of people who just don't like to engage in a relationship with such a member of the opposite sex, and this is a real problem. But that doesn't mean that not having been in a relationship is a bad thing. Not everyone can find a love relationship of their own at the right time at the right moment. Just because you've never been in a relationship doesn't mean you can't be a good dating partner.
Don't pay attention to too much gossip and accept your own shortcomings.
Like this obstacle, whether it is in your own mind or the outside world to instill this idea, I suggest not to pay too much attention to it. Learn to rationally distinguish between what others say and what they think. Accept your shortcomings. Discover your own flashpoints. Don't immerse yourself in emotional sadness just because of what others say.
If you really want to fall in love, start changing yourself now.
If you really want to start a relevant relationship, then the best time to do so is now. You can start changing your mind right now, make an effort to be out there and communicate with people, try to confess and communicate with your favorite person of the opposite sex. You can get a sweet love of your own at any time.