The ancients believed that there is always a reason for dreaming, and Wang Fu had said that "the strange dream, more than a collection of less than nothing to carry on" that there is always a reason for dreaming can be found. The reasons for dreaming are mainly three: physical factors, physiological factors and psychological factors. Dreams belong to the category of soul medicine, is stimulated by the internal and external messenger, caused by a small part of the brain nerve cell activity, manifested as a high-level soul of the lowest level of consciousness, of course, it also follows the three laws of the soul of the organism, but it is not awake to notice, and can not be controlled only.
A dream is a subjective experience, an imagined image, sound, thought, or feeling that occurs while a person is asleep, usually involuntarily. The scientific discipline that studies dreams is called dreamology.
Dreaming is the artificial use of scientific tools to implant information into the human brain! So that you can close your eyes sight and sound video sound, thinking neural control.
China was the first country to study dreams, more than 2,000 years ago, we have a monograph on dreams - Zhou Gong Interpretation of Dreams.
Dreaming is associated with rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep), a light sleep state that occurs late in sleep and is characterized by rapid horizontal eye movements, stimulation of the pontine brain (pons), increased respiration and heart rate, and temporary paralysis of the limbs. Dreams may also occur during other periods of sleep, although they are less common. Hypnogogia, which occurs during deep sleep, is thought to be associated with dreaming.
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