In the past, when I served Emperor Xian in Yuanhe, I accompanied him to the banquet in Zhaoyang.
I used to serve Emperor Xian in Yuan He, and accompanied him to the banquet in Zhaoyang. When I danced in the cold food and spring wind days, under the jade hook fence in front of the incense case. The dancers in front of the table were as beautiful as jade, and they did not wear the ordinary clothes of the world. The dancer's face is like jade, and she does not wear the ordinary clothes of the world. She has a rainbow dress, a cape and a shaking crown, and a pearl necklace. The dancers were not dressed in ordinary clothes, but in the jade hooks of the balcony, in front of the incense table. Chime, xiao, zheng, and flute are all intertwined with each other, and the sound of wan playing and blowing is meandering. In the middle of the program, the music is broken, and the music is played in the middle of the program. In the middle of the sequence, the bamboo poles are cracked in the fall and the ice in the spring. The snow is light, and the dragons are frightened by the sweetness of it. The willow is powerless after dropping the hand, and the clouds want to be born when trailing the train diagonally. The earthworm's moths are not as graceful as they should be, and the windy sleeves are as low as they are sentimental. The Queen Mother waved her hand to bid farewell to Flying Qiong. The sound of the music is twelve times rapid, jumping beads and shaking the jade clanging! After the dance, the luan closed its wings and the crane ended its song with a long cue. At that time, I was shocked at first sight, staring and listening, but not enough. Once on earth ***, the ear cold never heard this song. Penjing but hear mandrill language, Baxia only heard the cuckoo cry. The second year I moved to Qiantang, I was in the mood to ask about silk and bamboo. Linglong Konghou Xie Haozheng, Chen Zurna Shen Pingxiang. With his delicate hands on the clear strings and pipes, he was able to teach the neon dress a song. The lake in front of the Pavilion of Vain White is surrounded by water, and I have pressed the button three times before and after. I left my son behind, but now I hear that they are all scattered. This year, I went to Suzhou in May, and the clock was ringing in the morning and the corner in the evening, urging me to turn gray. I am often tempted to read the paperwork at night, but I don't listen to the music and songs until the fall. In the fall, there is nothing to do, and I suddenly remember that I have no place to ask about Nishang. I have heard that there are many musicians in the ministry, and I asked if there are any Nishang dancers. The answer was that no one in the seven counties or the 100,000 households knew of the Nishang Dance. The only thing I did was to send me a long song, which I titled "The Neishang and the Feathered Garments". There are four pieces of flower paper in red between the blue and the red, and the actual record of the Nishang is in it. I can see a thousand shapes and forms, just like the dancers in Zhaoyang. It is as if I have seen the shape and quality of the past and present, and I think it is the same. It's like a dream that calls out to me from my soul, and it seems like I'm writing about it in pictures. I love the neon dresses, and you know that I love them, and I love them in song and in poetry. If you don't see my song, "I'm shocked to break the Nishang Yuyi Song", and my poem, "I love the Nishang when it's not yet shot", you can't see it. The Yangs created the sound, and the King made the score. You said that this dance is hard to find, but it must be a poor girl from the city. The Wu demon Xiaoyu flew into smoke, and the Vietnamese beauty Xishi was turned into dirt. The delicate flower with a smile has long been lonely, and Waguan Ramie has no place to go. If what you say is true, try to listen to me calmly. If you want to see the national color to be passed on, I am afraid that this dance will be abolished on earth. Simply ugly women are better than ugly women, and most of them are just raised by people. I'm not sure if you'd like to see it, but I'd like to teach it to you as I see it.
Appreciation of Neishang Yuyi Dance"Neishang Yuyi Song" is a famous court music in the Tang Dynasty. From India, the original name of the "Brahman song", Kaiyuan in the Hexi Festival Minister Yang Jingshu presented to the court, by the Tang Xuanzong Li Longji processing embellishment, in 754 AD (Tianbao thirteen years) renamed the "Neishang Yuyi song". Yang Yuhuan, the favorite concubine of Emperor Xuanzong, was famous for her dance "Neishang Yuyi Dance". After the Anshi Rebellion, the score was gradually lost. Bai Juyi's "Song of the Neishang Yuyi Dance" vividly describes the costumes, instrumental accompaniments, and specific details of the performance of this dance. In addition to its high literary value, the music historical value of the material, including the notes, is also extremely important.
The poem can be roughly divided into three sections. The first paragraph describes that the poet had seen the Nishang Dance at the inner banquet during the Yuanhe period. The poet writes, "The dance is countless, but the Nishang Dance is my favorite". It can be seen that the poet has attended more than one internal banquet, and also watched a lot of songs and dances, but the most impressive and favorite is the "Neishang Yuyi Dance". So, why does this dance stand out among the many court music and dances? This is what arouses the reader's interest and attention.
"When the dance was performed on a cold spring day, in front of the incense case under the jade hook fence" points out the time and place of the performance. The bright spring is of course the best season to perform songs and dances, and "under the jade hook fence" is not comparable to ordinary places. At this time and on this stage, naturally, there should be good actors to perform good plays. Regarding the actors, the poem only uses "the dancers in front of the case face like jade", "grace seems not to let the Luoqi" two sentences for the account, the former refers to the appearance, the latter describes the physical appearance, can be described as sparingly as gold, simple and concise. And "not wearing earthly clothes" and other sentences, more this face like jade, lithe actor makeup into a fairy. In ancient myths and legends, the beauty of a fairy is unquestionable and unparalleled on earth. She wears a rainbow-colored skirt, a shawl of cloud and sunset, a pearl necklace, and a jade pendant.
The following six lines from "Chime, xiao, zheng, and flute" introduce and describe the instrumental accompaniment of the Nishang Dance and the formal performance of the dance. The chimes, xiaojiao, zheng flutes, and flutes are played one after the other. This is the prelude to the dance, which is played by the chimes, xiaojiao, zheng flute and other instruments. "The poet's note under the two lines of "six times in the order of dispersal without moving the clothes, the balcony is not flying" says: "six times in the order of dispersal without the beat, so not dancing. At this time, the whole outfit has been completed the goddess is still lethargic standing in a corner of the stage, as about to take off. Suddenly, the music changed from soft to strong, and the sound of breaking and cracking was like the cracking of bamboo in autumn and the bursting of ice in spring. Look at the goddess at this time, the dance is light, floating like the wind and snow back, as fast as the swimming dragon is frightened. From time to time, waving the soft sleeve, if the weak willow wind; from time to time, gently trailing the hem of the skirt, like the flowing clouds. According to the poet's own note, these movements are "the initial state of the Neishang Dance". The poem's metaphors are ingenious and colorful. The following "smoke moth convergence slightly not win, wind sleeve low as sentimental," the finishing touch, depicting *** in the performance of the above actions, eyebrows and sleeves, not only is the action itself beautiful dance, but also more importantly, the actor through the eyebrows and eyes, clothing to convey a certain sound and feeling. Only such a dance can move and infect people, and cause the effect of "gazing and listening" below.
The above is a heavy depiction of the musical accompaniment and performance movements of the Nishang Dance. The two phrases of "the first point of the maid beckons the calyx green, the queen mother swings her arms away from Feiqiong" will bring the content of the dance in one stroke, and the complexity and simplicity are appropriate, which is conducive to highlighting the posture of the dance description. The following sentence, "Twelve times in a hurry, jumping beads shake the jade and clang", is a summary description of the dance music, stating that the dance is over, in order to mirror the above, "Autumn bamboo poles cracked spring ice chap" and so on. In the face of such wonderful music and dance, the poet was dumbfounded.
"A fall on earth ***" to "heard that now each star scattered" is the second paragraph of the poem, to the effect that the poet himself was in Hangzhou coach courtesans rehearsal of the "Nishang Dance". Since the poet saw this dance in the court, the amazing performance effect made him unforgettable for the rest of his life. Therefore, in the years when he was transferred to the post of assassin of Hangzhou, he often rehearsed the "Nishang Dance" for fun in his spare time. However, once the poet left, the courtesans scattered like birds of prey, and the years of hard work went down the drain.
"This May to Suzhou" is the third paragraph. The poet can not forget the reappearance of the Nishang Dance, in Suzhou, I heard that my friend Yuan Zhen's subordinates have a lot of people who are good at singing and dancing, so I asked with a book. Yuan Zhen replied with the "Neishang Feather Clothes Compendium". The poet was as if he had been given a treasure, and his joy was expressed in such phrases as "it was as if he had witnessed the quality of the form before his eyes" and "it was suspected that he had been called from his soul's dream". The images written in the genealogy were so vivid that it was as if he had seen the actual performance of the court beauties in a thousand different forms, as if in a dream. In the end, he resolved to use the score as a basis for coaching courtesans to rehearse again in Suzhou.
The poem recounts the vicissitudes of the poet's life around the Dance of the Shining Garments over the decades, which is rich in content and plot twists and turns. But in the poet's writing, it is extremely organized.
The rhyme scheme of the poem is smooth and natural, and very musical. Most of the two lines rhyme, such as: "thousands of songs and dances can not be counted, the most favorite neon dress dance"; "dance cold food spring wind days, jade hook under the fence in front of the incense case" and so on. The following rhymes are also included: "The dragon is frightened by the sweetness of the dance", "The clouds are eager to be born when the train is tilted", "The wind sleeve is low and high, as if there is love", and "The Queen Mother waves her hand to bid farewell to Feiqiong". As for "the end of the crane song", it goes back to the previous rhyme after one line. In this way, the rhythmic, euphonious and smooth, the reader in the appreciation of the beautiful rhetoric of poetry, but also tasted the beauty of the flow of the music.
Elegant rhetoric, subtle metaphors, apt use of the dictionary, so that the long poem has become a high value of the excellent work. Such as "floating spinning back to the snow light, sweet longitudinal delivery of the dragon scared" a line to the flow of the wind back to the snow to describe the lightness of the dance, to the dragon scared to compare *** forward of the fluttering state, the image of novelty, and at the same time and allusion to Cao Zhi, "Luoshen Fu" in the allusion to Cao Zhi, Cao Zhi depicted the Goddess, the "Nishang Dance" is a mythological legend performed. It can be seen that Bai's use of allusion is not a matter of faith. Another example is the line "the Xiangluan dance is over but the wings are withdrawn, the crane song is over but the sound is long", which shows the end of the dance. The two wings of the luan and phoenix are covered with beautiful colorful feathers, which symbolize the costumes of the Neishang Dance; "but the wings are withdrawn" means that the unfolding of the wings are withdrawn again, which is an analogy for the end of the dance. The metaphorical reproduction of the otherwise difficult-to-describe action makes one see the beauty of the dance and the vividness of the costumes, forming a colorful and dynamic picture.
Poetry: Neizhang Yuyi Dance Song Poetry Author: Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi Poetry Category: Narrative, Music, Dance