If you want to improve fatty liver by exercise, which kind of exercise is the most suitable?

Fatty liver and lipid metabolism is related, so the general recommendation is to use aerobic exercise, to be consistent and long time low intensity and medium intensity aerobic exercise, such as fast walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, hiking, square dance, etc. are aerobic exercise. We can detect the intensity of exercise through the exercise heart rate, normally aerobic exercise needs to reach 60~80% of the maximum heart rate. Exercise heart rate = resting heart rate + (maximal heart rate - resting heart rate ) × ratio. Resting heart rate can be measured in the morning when you wake up, and is usually around 60~70 for the average person. Maximum heart rate, on the other hand, is 220 minus age.

If you can have a period of time to go to half an hour of aerobic exercise is the best, as long as you adhere to the effect will soon be able to see, I have a friend is through the afternoon every day to play basketball to improve, if you like to play basketball I also recommend that you do so. If basketball is not for you, then you can also run, jump rope, ride a bicycle. Aerobic exercise is mainly glycogenolytic function at the beginning, in the movement of about 20 minutes, the supply of fatty acids and glycogen is basically equal, when greater than 20 minutes, the proportion of fat function will continue to increase, each exercise is greater than 20 minutes, which is conducive to the consumption of body fat, to achieve the purpose of losing weight to the liver.

Exercise exercise one week after the patient may feel effective, but to achieve more certain results, have to take at least 6-8 weeks. If your exercise intensity is low and daily exercise time is short, it is recommended to increase the number of times per week; if your intensity is high and daily exercise time is long, you can reduce the number of times per week appropriately.

Excessive intake of refined white rice and noodles is not conducive to the stabilization of blood glucose, but also increases the accumulation of fat in the liver, the appropriate addition of coarse grains and miscellaneous food intake, not only is conducive to the stabilization of blood glucose, which contains a wealth of B vitamins can also help the metabolism of liver fat. No matter what kind of exercise you choose, the key is to persist, which is also a test of one's will, as long as you can persistently adhere to the exercise and diet, in a short period of time will achieve the desired results. Let's all take action, exercise well and be healthy every day.