Seek lyrics: Square Dance Peach Blossom Luck Lyrics

Peach Blossom Luck

Artist: Yang Yu Ying

Release Date: 01/01/1995


Yang Yu Ying Peach Blossom Luck

The wind is blowing in the peach forests and the trees are full of blossoms

Magpies are calling out from the top of the tree

The elder brother of the orchard has got the peach blossom luck

Sisters are all looking at him


All three sisters have a taste for him.

They've got peach blossom luck

Everyone wants to marry him

The wind is blowing in the peach grove

The magpies are chirping on the branches

Brother from the orchard has got peach blossom luck

The three sisters are all in love with him

The wind is blowing in the peach tree

The three sisters have fallen for him

The three sisters have fallen for him

The three sisters have fallen for him

The three sisters have fallen for him

The three sisters have fallen for him

The two sisters have fallen for him. He's got the luck of the draw

The three sisters are all in love with him