Breaking popping locking difference

I. Name of the dance:

Breaking: often translated as breakdancing, floor dancing

poping: translated as mechanical dance

locking :often translated as locking dance

II. Origin of the dance

Breaking arose in the New York black circle of the street culture, based on the gang fighting Dance - Combat Dance as the basis, introduced to China in the 80s.

Locking and Popping originated in California, USA, and were born out of the funk culture, with Locking being the earliest type of street dance, featuring sudden stops of the arms and wrists in rapid flips, which is generally translated as "locking dance".

Three, the main action

Breaking: from the general direction, Breaking can be divided into "small floor" and "big floor", "small floor", "small floor" that is, complex footwork. The "small floor" is a complex footwork + inversion, the "big floor" is inversion + rotation; from the specific action to divide.

Breaking is generally categorized into four types: toprock (rock step), freeze (fixed, inverted), footwork (sweeping leg) and Power (i.e., Thomas, various windmills, hand spins, head spins).

Popping, on the other hand, references the characteristics of robotic dance, featuring continuous contraction and relaxation of the body's muscles, and is generally translated as "mechanical dance", which now also includes the categories of Wave (Current Dance) and Slide (Slide Dance), etc.

Michael Michael's Popping is the most popular dance in the world.

Michael Jackson's Moon Walk (space walk) uses the Blackslide, which is a form of popping.

Expanded Information

Basic Moves of Popping:

Fresno:The name comes from the town of Fresno in the U.S.A., which is Sam's hometown.

Arms and legs and even the whole body swinging from side to side, the movement from the Party Dance in The Jerk.

Walk Out: means "walk out", the movement and the meaning of the text is the same.

Party Dance in the name of the Walk Out action, there are similar. There is a similarity in Party Dance.

Old Man: said to be inspired by a disabled old man, Party Dance has a move with the same name, but it's very different.

Neck O Flex: A rotation (Neck) that helps the body to perform a dance move.

Twist o Flex: A move inspired by the original African American social dance "Twist".

Egytion Twist: a twist of the body inspired by the original African American social dance "Twist".