What is the meaning of Zahidler in Tibetan language

Zaxidler means welcome and blessings in Tibetan.

Pinyin zhā xī dé lè.

Detailed InterpretationIn the four characters of Zaxi Dele, "za" means good, bright, complete, auspicious, etc.; "xi" means good result, The word "za" means beautiful, bright, perfect, auspicious, etc.; "xi" means good result, wonderful result, good result, harmony and peace, a good wish and dream, etc.

"De" means free from disease, disaster, war, disorder, tranquility, positive energy, peace, happiness, joy, greatness, etc.; "Le" means free from impurity, beautiful, perfect goodwill, wishful thinking, benefits and advantages.

From the Glorious Sutra: Zhaxi Dele Pangshengba Xiao. Translated, it means "auspicious and perfect", and the word "Zahidre" is also mentioned in the book "360 Rituals of Redemption" by Gongzi Chogyal, who has been on earth for more than 16,000 years.

The word "zazidr" is also mentioned in the 166 Rituals of Atonement.

What are the Tibetan words for good luck?

1, Losal Sang - Good New Year.

2, Lower Puda - Cheers.

3, Ama Ba Zhujiang Khamsang - May the hostess live a long and healthy life.

4, Tendo Dewa Tulpa Soo - May the years be peaceful and auspicious.

5. Nanyang Zongjue Yueba Xiu - May there be such a joyful gathering year after year.

6. Jiji! Soso! Rachello - Pray to the gods for happiness and peace.

7, Zaxi Dele Pangsongchuo - the younger generation wishes the old man: good fortune and merit.