The lyrics of the song "high mountain has my love ? The fire is my love" is from the background music of square dance "Naluwan Love Song". Now I upload this dance song to share with you.
The song "Nalu Bay Love Song"?
Sung by: Gao Shengmei (A-Mei)
Naluwan Iyay Naluwan
Naluwan Iyay Naluwan
Tall mountain has my love
Burning fire is my love
Heavens heart is the The heart of my beloved
I'm going after it
Naruwan Iya Naruwan
The hand of love should be pulled tightly together
The unchanging love is like the rising sun
The heart of my beloved is the heart of the sky
The companion of the little duckweed
The heart of my beloved is the heart of the sky
The heart of my beloved is the heart of the sky
The heart of the little duckweed