In an interview, Zhou Dongyu was asked if she was urged to get married by her parents. She said mischievously, "Parents are all the same in the world, can they be different?" Say that finish this sentence, Zhou Dongyu naughty to laugh. The reporter then asked her how to deal with the tricks of urging marriage. Zhou Dongyu tactfully replied, "Maybe one day it will be a godsend. If not, I can't help it. Let nature take its course. " However, she went on to admit that the current state of marriage and love is not urgent, and we will talk about it later.
Zhou Dongyu also said that he was born in a traditional family and his parents were very traditional people. They are very sensible, not the kind of people who often go to parks and like to find objects for their children. Later, Zhou Dongyu also revealed that his parents often went to the park to sing and dance, and he was most afraid that they would meet in the park one day.
In the program, Zhou Dongyu also said that since filming Better Days, she has become much more sensible, and even her mother has obvious feelings. When talking about the topic of parents watching Better Days, the host asked Zhou Dongyu's parents what they thought of the film. Zhou Dongyu said, "My parents felt very angry after reading it, and felt that someone was bullying her. But in the end, my parents thought the film was still very meaningful. " It seems that Zhou Dongyu's parents are still too involved.
Zhou Dongyu in the screen feels strange, a little childish and full of girlish feelings. Better Days's age will make people think that she is still young. In fact, she is now 27 years old, so it is not surprising that Zhou Dongyu's parents will urge her to get married. Finally, we wish her luck and find her Prince Charming as soon as possible.