Vocalist: SID
2. Title:Searching for the Lips
Vocalist: The Loose Brothers
3. Title: Fruitful Air, Love Rainbow, Dear Sonw, Wish, Love So Sweet
Vocalist: Arashi
8. Title: Love is Priceless (愛是无价之宝) (Love is Tacaramono)
9. Title: Fall In Love
Vocalist: Dyma Aoyama and Big Bang member Sun
10. >Singer: Cassia
11. Title: Sunshine
Singer: Jane Mi Yeon and Junsu (2PM)
13. Title: 365 Days
Singer: Mr. Children
14. Title: Goldfish Sparks, Astrologer, Peach
Title: Sweet Season (Original mix), Last angel (Original mix), crossroad
Vocalist: Ayumi Hamasaki
19. Title: Hanamizuki (ハナミズキ)
演唱者:泷&... amp;Tsubasa
23. Love Story
Sung by Shota Shimizu
24. Fall In Love
Sung by Daima Aoyama
25. Human
Sung by: K
27.Title: GOODBYE
Sung by: Shota Shimizu
29.Title: Okaeri (おかえり) (theme song of the Fujitelébibi drama 『绝対彼氏』)
Sung by: Hiruka
Sung by: Koda Raiki
31. Extravagant Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Baby Love .Raining .Missing You
Sung by: FTIsland
35. (Seems to be... Bite your lip?!)
Sung by: SJ (Kyuhyun, Knightwook, Sungmin)
36.? (Waiting For You)
Vocalist: Yea Seong
37.Deadly Pain Over Bubble Love
Vocalist: MC Dream
Vocalist: Akane
39.Want To Wait For It Because It's A Man Sorry
Sung by Gummy
40.? You're in Heaven ("点金神手Midas "OST)
41.A Tale of Two Men ( )
Sung by: The One
42.Make It Happen. Wonder Women
Sung by: Namie Amuro
43.Answer ("恶魔奶爸 Answer (The Devil's Milkman End Song)
Sung by: no3B (AKB48)
44.The You You I Can't Have ()
Sung by: Hyun Bin
45.10 Million Kisses (10萬回のキス)
Sung by: Mai Kuraki
46.Hello . Dong.Sister is beautiful
Sung by: SHINEE
Sung by: Shota Shimizu (also sung by Yutaka Ozaki)
Sung by: EXILE
49.Dedicated to you. .I'm Here. "is"
Sung by Tetsuhei Koike
Sung by CNBlue
Sung by Pornographic Graffiti
Sung by Yamashita Tomohisa
55.Lies Last Greeting One Day One Day Love Song. Some Body to Love.Cafe .Stupid Liar.Baby Don't Cry (Daesung) Make Love. Wedding Dress (Sun)
Sung by BigBang (~~~~~~~~~)
65.SATISFACTION. Hello Hello Pain of Love Ray...
Sung by: FTIsland
69. At least know this one Idiot IDon't Know Mantra Positive and Negative
Sung by: Oriental God Ki...
God Too much to say, send me your email if you still want it .... Too much to say ....